首页|期刊导航|光:科学与应用(英文版)|Free-electron crystals for enhanced X-ray radiation

Free-electron crystals for enhanced X-ray radiationOACSTPCD

Free-electron crystals for enhanced X-ray radiation


Bremsstrahlung—the spontaneous emission of broadband radiation from free electrons that are deflected by atomic nuclei—contributes to the majority of X-rays emitted from X-ray tubes and used in applications ranging from medical imaging to semiconductor chip inspection.Here,we show that the bremsstrahlung intensity can be enhanced significantly—by more than three orders of magnitude—through shaping the electron wavefunction to periodically overlap with atoms in crystalline materials.Furthermore,we show how to shape the bremsstrahlung X-ray emission pattern into arbitrary angular emission profiles for purposes such as unidirectionality and multi-directionality.Importantly,we find that these enhancements and shaped emission profiles cannot be attributed solely to the spatial overlap between the electron probability distribution and the atomic centers,as predicted by the paraxial and non-recoil theory for free electron light emission.Our work highlights an unprecedented regime of free electron light emission where electron waveshaping provides multi-dimensional control over practical radiation processes like bremsstrahlung.Our results pave the way towards greater versatility in table-top X-ray sources and improved fundamental understanding of quantum electron-light interactions.

Lee Wei Wesley Wong;Xihang Shi;Aviv Karnieli;Jeremy Lim;Suraj Kumar;Sergio Carbajo;Ido Kaminer;Liang Jie Wong

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Nanyang Technological University,50 Nanyang Avenue,Singapore 639798,SingaporeSolid State Institute and Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Technion-Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa 3200003,IsraelSchool of Electrical Engineering,Fleischman Faculty of Engineering,Tel Aviv University,Tel Aviv 69978,Israel||Department of Applied Physics,Stanford University,Stanford,CA 94305,USAScience,Mathematics and Technology,Singapore University of Technology and Design,8 Somapah Road,Singapore 487372,SingaporeElectrical and Computer Engineering Department,UCLA,420 Westwood,Los Angeles,CA 90095,USA||Physics and Astronomy Department,UCLA,475 Portola Plaza,Los Angeles,CA 90095,USA||SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory,Stanford University,2575 Sand Hill Road,Menlo Park,CA 94025,USA

《光:科学与应用(英文版)》 2024 (007)

1299-1309 / 11

This project is supported by the National Research Foundation,Singapore(Project ID NRF2020-NRF-ISF004-3525).X.S.is supported in part by a fellowship of the Israel Council for Higher Education and by the Technion's Helen Diller Quantum Center.A.K.is supported by the Urbanek-Chodorow postdoctoral fellowship by the Department of Applied Physics at Stanford University,the Zuckerman STEM leadership postdoctoral program,the VATAT-Quantum fellowship by the Israel Council for Higher Education,and the Viterbi fellowship of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology.S.C.is supported by US AFOSR under contract no.FA9550-23-1-0409 and DOE under contract no.DE-SC0022559.I.K.is supported by the United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation(BSF)under grant No.2022144,and the Israel Science Foundation(ISF)under grant No.3525/20.

