

Contract design in information security outsourcing under cost information asymmetry


本文考虑客户企业和管理安全服务提供商(MSSP)合作保护客户企业信息安全的问题.双方的安全努力不可验证性会导致努力程度低下,MSSP成本信息不对称会导致服务低效性.首先,以社会福利最优作为基准,本文分析了努力不可验证对双边退款契约设计的影响.然后,本文分析了MSSP私有成本信息导致服务低效的问题,提出了甄别MSSP私有成本信息的契约,最后通过算例分析验证了本文的重要结论.研究表明:信息安全合作外包中的双边退款契约会因安全服务的特性产生双重道德风险问题.客户企业采取措施来验证MSSP的努力水平以缓解双重道德风险问题有成本上界.当MSSP拥有私有成本信息时,甄别契约具有"高端不扭曲"和"低端向下扭曲"的特点.在私有成本信息下,无论 MSSP 是高成本类型还是低成本类型,由于信息缺乏,客户企业都会遭受损失.MSSP成本的市场分布相近或者服务合作重要程度越高,客户企业越需要采取措施来甄别MSSP的成本.本研究对信息安全管理领域客户企业外包的决策具有重要的参考意义.

The increasing complexity,regulatory requirements,and cost associated with managing information security have motivated many firms to outsource information security functions to managed security service providers(MSSPs).MSSP services are popular for security infrastructure functions where specialized and experienced MSSPs may provide expertise at a lower cost.In information security outsourcing,it is popular that the outsourcing firms and MSSPs coordinate their efforts for better security.For example,firms often outsource prevention and detection functions to an MSSP and operate basic security fundamentals such as updating and employee education in-house.In practice,a bilateral refund contract is widely adopted in the information security outsourcing industry.Nevertheless,efforts are often private and thus both firms and MSSP can suffer from the double moral hazard in contract enforcement.It is essential to coordinate the efforts of both parties to ensure the firm and MSSP invest the necessary efforts to protect the firm's system.In addition,another problem that hinders the effective execution of the contract is cost information asymmetry.MSSP owns the private cost information,which is difficult to be evaluated by the firm in advance.Private cost information may lead to opportunistic behavior of MSSP to obtain extra profits by misstating the security efforts.These challenges raise some questions.Whether a bilateral refund contract can induce double moral hazard?How does the firm ensure that the MSSP will invest the necessary efforts and disclose cost information? To answer the above research questions,we construct a game-theoretical model.In this paper,we explore the validity of bilateral refund contracts in information security service outsourcing.We consider the firm offering a service contract to the MSSP.The MSSP will protect the system jointly with the firm if it accepts the contract.Otherwise,the firm must undertake the protection himself.A bilateral refund contract between the MSSP and firm consists of two payments:a fixed payment from the firm to the MSSP upon signing the security contract and a refund rate from the MSSP to the firm if it suffers from security breaches.We start with a benchmark case,in which we assume that there is no occurrence of moral hazard because efforts can be verified by each other and the firm can control the security efforts of the MSSP.The benchmark helps assess the performance of the bilateral refund contract later.When the MSSP and the firms aim to maximize their respective payoffs,their incentives may not be aligned.Under a collaborative setting,the firm and the MSSP naturally want each other to assume more.We find that the bilateral refund contract cannot solve the double moral hazard problem.We further analyze equilibrium efforts under the bilateral refund contract.We also characterize the effect of double moral hazard which is called effort verifiable value and provide a reference for the firm to carry out information gathering activities to verify the MSSP's security effort.Then,we consider the case that MSSP has private cost information and find that contracts mentioned above cannot disclose the real cost information of MSSP.The results show that the bilateral refund contract under information symmetry might lead to opportunism:MSSP has an incentive to exaggerate service cost.Our model highlights the influence of cost information asymmetry on firms'profit in a collaborative service environment and identifies a set of service contracts that disclose cost information. Next,we analyze the optimal contract under asymmetric information,and we investigate the service environment characteristics'impact on the contract design.The results indicate that under symmetric cost information the refund rate only depends on the relative importance and cost coefficients of the collaborative parties.However,when the MSSP has private cost information,the refund rate of low-cost MSSP remains the same as that under symmetric information,but the refund rate of high-cost MSSP is affected by the distribution and cost ratio of the two types of service provider.In addition,the paper further compares the benefits of firms and service providers.The paper shows that under private cost information,no matter what kind of the service provider is,the firm will suffer some loss due to lack of information.The firm has an incentive to collect information from MSSP to reduce information asymmetry and thus reduce losses.The numerical analysis demonstrates that the double moral hazard worsens when both parties take on nearly equal responsibilities.Furthermore,the cost information of the service provider is relatively uncertain when the market distribution of the two types of service providers is close,and the firm should carry out information search activities to expose the cost information.To sum up,the paper provides management insights and implications for designing service contracts under asymmetric information.


东华大学 旭日工商管理学院,上海 200051西安交通大学 管理学院,陕西 西安 710049



Information security outsourcingDouble moral hazardCost information asymmetryContract design

《管理工程学报》 2024 (004)

196-208 / 13

国家自然科学基金项目(71801035);国家社会科学基金重大项目(20&ZD053);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(2232018H-07) The National Natural Science Foundation of China(71801035);The Major Program of the National Social Science Foundation of China(20&ZD053);The Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities(2232018H-07)

