

A Bibliometric-based Exploration of Motor Learning and Control Profiles


为把握运动技能学习与控制领域的研究动态、热点及发展趋势,为后续相关研究提供参考.本研究使用VOS viewer、CiteSpace及Pajek对1991-2023年Web of Science中有关运动技能学习与控制的文献进行可视化分析.结果显示:自1991-2021年有关研究的年发文量始终保持波动上升的趋势,西方发达国家为主要发文国家.在文献载体方面Sports Medicine、Journal of Neurophysiology等刊物发文量较多.研究热点包括运动表现与动作学习、运动与脑神经记忆、康复后技能掌控、动作技能的作用与可靠性和青少年健康促进等.未来几年,该领域可能持续对运动技能促进认知、脑损伤后动作技能恢复等方面进行广泛研究.

To grasp the research dynamics,hotspots,and trends in the field of sports skill learning and control,and to provide refer-ences for subsequent related research,this study conducts visual analysis of literature on sports skill learning and control from 1991 to 2023 in the Web of Science using vos viewer,CiteSpace and Pajek.The results show that the annual publication volume of relevant research has consistently maintained a fluctuating upward trend from 1991 to 2021,with western developed countries being the main contributors.In terms of publication outlets,journals such as Sports Medicine and Journal of Neurophysiology have a relatively high publication volume.Research hotspots include sports performance and motor learning,sports and brain neurology,post-rehabilitation skill control,the role and reliability of motor skills,and promotion of adolescent health.In the coming years,this field may continue to extensively study aspects such as the promotion of cognitive skills through sports,and the recovery of motor skills after brain injury.


南京航空航天大学体育部,江苏南京 210016华东师范大学体育与健康学院,上海 200241



motor learning and controlhealth promotionbibliometricsvisual analysis

《湖北体育科技》 2024 (004)

45-49,68 / 6
