

Study on control technology of surrounding rock in fracture zone of return-air roadway


为解决伊田煤业21510回风巷过断层破碎带可能发生的片帮、冒顶和巷道涌水等问题,分析巷道掘进地质条件,采用FLAC3D软件对巷道正常掘进和过断层期间垂直应力分布和塑性区发育进行数值模拟.结果显示,与正常区段相比,过断层掘进期间围岩应力和塑性区发育范围均明显增加,断层活化,掘进破坏影响范围扩大.采用循环注浆和"锚网索梁联合支护"方法进行围岩稳定性综合控制,并对控制效果进行观测,观测期内巷道左、右帮最大位移分别为7.22 mm和10.68 mm,顶底板移近量最大为21.9mm,围岩控制效果良好.

In order to solve the problems that may occur in the fracture zone of No.21510 return-air roadway,such as sheet wall,roof collapse and water gusher,the geological conditions of roadway excavation were analyzed.FLAC3D software was used to numerically simulate the vertical stress distribution and plastic zone development of roadway during normal excavation and fault crossing.The results showed that:compared with the normal section,the development range of the surrounding rock stress and plastic zone increased significantly during over fault tunneling,and the fault activation expanded the influence range of tunneling failure.The stability of surrounding rock was comprehensively controlled by using the method of circular grouting and"combined support with anchor net and cable beam",and the control effect was observed.During the observation period,the maximum and maximum displacement of the left and right sides of the roadway were 7.22mm and 10.68mm respectively,and the maximum displacement of the top and bottom was 21.9mm,indicating a good control effect of surrounding rock.


晋能控股煤业集团临汾宏大矿业有限责任公司,山西临汾 041000



fault fracture zonenumerical simulationgrouting reinforcementcombined supportsurrounding rock control

《煤炭与化工》 2024 (006)

45-48 / 4

