

Research on oil levels identification of flue-cured tobacco based on near infrared spectroscopy



[Objective]In order to scientifically predict the flue-cured tobacco leaf oil levels and achieve rapid spectral identification of flue-cured tobacco with different oil levels.[Method]A total of 299 samples of Yunyan 87 tobacco leaves with different oil levels and full leaf position from representa-tive tobacco planting counties were collected by near-infrared spectra.Five methods,including first derivative(Dl),normalization(NOR),wavelet transform(WAVE),standard normalization(SNV),and multivariate scattering correction(MSC),were used to preprocess the spectral data.We investigated the discriminative performance of two discriminant models,linear partial least squares dis-criminant analysis(PLS-DA)and nonlinear least squares support vector machine(LS-SVM).[Result]The accuracy of the PLS-DA oil level classification model training set constructed based on principal component analysis of near-infrared raw spectral data could reach 100.0%,but the test set was only 79.8%.After D1,NOR,SNV,and MSC preprocessing,the accuracy of the model's test set had been improved to 85.9%,90.0%,83.8%,and 83.8%,respectively.The training set accuracy of the LS-SVM oil classification model based on direct construction of near-infrared raw spectral data also reached 100.0%,and the test set reached 92.9%.After NOR,WAVE,SNV,and MSC prepro-cessing,the accuracy of the test set was improved to over 95.0%,with the highest accuracy of 99.0%achieved by MSC preprocessing.[Conclusion]The oil levels discrimination model constructed by com-bining multiple scattering correction preprocessing with LS-SVM method has the best effect,improving the efficiency of flue-cured tobacco leaf oil levels determination.


河南农业大学烟草学院,河南郑州 450046河南省烟草公司三门峡市公司,河南三门峡 472000河南中烟工业有限责任公司技术中心,河南郑州 450000河南省烟草公司,河南郑州 450018



flue-cured tobaccotobacco leaf oil levelnear infrared spectroscopydiscriminative modelleast square support vector machine

《河南农业大学学报》 2024 (004)

583-591 / 9


