

Research on Human Machine Interaction Eye Gaze Tracking Technology for Unmanned Platforms


设计了一种基于头戴式眼动仪的无人平台人机交互系统,重点分析了基于空间投射原理的二维视线估计算法,通过多相机配准将眼动仪输出的三维视线向量映射在已知坐标的二维界面中,利用双向识别,分别识别视线与屏幕交互界面,实现人眼注视点在人机交互软件界面中的坐标转换.将注视点转换为交互指令,实现眼动与平台的交互.通过设计无人平台目标跟踪交互实验,比较了视线追踪与触控交互在简单点击交互任务中的适用情况,结果表明对比触控交互,使用视线追踪能将简单点击交互事件时间缩短1~1.5 s.

A head-mounted eye tracker based human-machine interaction system for unmanned platform is designed.The focus is on analyzing a two-dimensional line of sight estimation algorithm based on spatial projection principle.By using multi-camera registration,the three-dimensional line of sight vector output from the eye tracker is mapped into a two-dimensional interface of the known coordinate.Through bidirectional recognition,the line of sight and the screen interactive interface are recognized separately,the coordinate conversion of the point of view of human eyes in the software interface of the human-machine interaction is achieved.The interaction experiment of target tracking of unmanned platform is designed,the applicable situations in the simple click interaction task between eye gaze tracking and touch interaction are compared.The results show that compared with touch interaction,eye gaze tracking can reduce the time for simple click interaction events by 1 to 1.5 seconds.


北方自动控制技术研究所,太原 030006



eye gaze trackingpoint of viewuser interfacemulti-channel homan-machaine interaction

《火力与指挥控制》 2024 (006)

90-98 / 9

