

A Method and System for Infrared Image Simulation Based on ModelSim


在红外热成像的图像处理算法过程中,传统的算法仿真需要借助 Matlab 等图形处理工具软件先进行仿真再转化成 FPGA处理器中可以运行的算法代码,而Matlab上的运行的语言、实现方式与FPGA硬件上运行的硬件描述语言和实现方式完全不同.导致转化过程复杂、转化精度损失、开发周期长等.本文提出了一种基于 ModelSim 仿真工具的红外图像仿真方法与系统,与 Matlab 等图形处理工具一样,编程写好代码,导入图像仿真后,立即输出图像显示,并能查看中间处理过程中的数据变化情况.并且ModelSim仿真运行的仿真代码可以直接拿到FPGA编译工具中运行,最终部署在硬件板卡上.在工程应用中,转化过程简单,开发效率大大提升.

In the realm of image processing algorithms for infrared thermal imaging,traditional algorithm simulation often requires the use of graphics processing tools such as Matlab.These tools simulate the algorithm,which then needs to be converted into code that can run on FPGA processors.However,the language and implementation methods used in Matlab are entirely different from those used in FPGA hardware description languages.This results in complex conversion processes,loss of conversion accuracy,and long development cycles.This study proposes an infrared-image simulation method and system based on the ModelSim simulation tool.Similar to graphic processing tools such as Matlab,after programming and writing the code,one can import the image simulation,immediately output the image display,and view data changes during the intermediate processing stages.Furthermore,the simulation code run by ModelSim can be directly transferred to the FPGA compilation tool for deployment on the hardware board.In engineering applications,this simplifies the conversion process and significantly improves development efficiency.


上海热芯视觉科技有限公司,上海 200331



FPGAModelSiminfrared thermal imagingsimulation methodimage processing algorithmhardware description languagehardware speedup

《红外技术》 2024 (007)

802-806 / 5
