

Distribution and Migration Change Law of Particles in Water Purification Process


颗粒物是当前威胁供水安全的潜在污染物之一,文中综合水厂实际运行及中试试验数据,从颗粒物在给水处理单元的分布和迁移入手,探究了颗粒物数量和粒径分布随季节的变化规律,并借助热重分析仪和傅里叶离子回旋共振质谱仪分析了净水工艺沿程颗粒物附着物成分变化等.研究发现,原水中颗粒物数量和组分季节性变化较大,夏季颗粒物浓度显著高于冬季颗粒物浓度,颗粒物组分方面夏季多肽类较为丰富,含氮类有机物冬季多脂质、蛋白质类;不同粒径颗粒在处理过程中占比变化较小,总体以 5 μm以下粒径颗粒为主,其中 2~5 μm占比最高,大于 20 μm的大粒径颗粒比重很少;沉淀工艺为颗粒物的主要去除单元,砂滤池为最后防线,活性炭池对颗粒物数量的去除效果不稳定,但可以降低颗粒物附着的有机物含量.

As one of the potential pollutants,particles are currently threatening the safety of water supply.Based on the actual operation of the water treatment plant and the pilot test data,this paper started with the distribution and migration of particles in the potable water treatment unit,explored the seasonal variation of the quantity and granulometric distribution of particles.Thermal gravimetric analyzer and Fourier ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometer were used to investigate the changes in the composition of particles along the process.It was found that the quantity and components of particles in the raw water changed seasonally,the particles concentration in summer was significantly higher than that in winter.In terms of the composition of particulate matter,peptides were more abundant in summer,and nitrogen-containing organic matter was rich in lipids and protein in winter;The proportion of particles with different sizes changed slightly during the process,mainly less than 5 μm,of which 2~5 μm accounted for the highest proportion,and the proportion of large particle size particles greater than 20 μm was very small.Coagulation and sedimentation process is the main removal unit for particles,the sand filter as the last line of defence,the ability of activated carbon filter to remove the number of particles is unstable,but it shows a good performance in reducing the content of organic matter attached to the particles.


北京市自来水集团有限责任公司,北京 100012北京林业大学环境科学与工程学院,北京 100083



particle concentrationseasonal variationSouth-to-North Water Diversionconcentration of organic matterparticle size distribution

《净水技术》 2024 (007)

83-91 / 9


