

Efficient Commissioning and Operation Control Technology for a Typical Phased WWTP Construction in Guangzhou


污水厂分期建设是目前各大、中、小城市规划建设的常态.基于污水厂运行负荷率、水质标准、投资保障和系统的安全性等要素,污水厂的分期建设和运行,是未来城镇污水厂建设的方向.广州某市政污水工程项目扩建规模为 3×105 m3/d,采用AAOA+MBR工艺,提标规模为2×105 m3/d,采用改良AAO+深度处理工艺.为了解决试运行初期系统功能不全、出水TP去除率低、多期污水厂间水量调配规律不清、能耗过高、水质波动异常及新工艺安全管理经验不足等问题,一是增加临时措施,如采用多台大功率发电机分区供应主要设备,采用临时鼓风机生化曝气,以及采用临时药剂罐和铺设临时药管等措施,实现按期通水和达标排放的目标;二是优化工艺,提高运行能力,通过分点进水、优化曝气量和曝气方式,逐渐形成一套成熟、低能耗的多期污水厂的调试和调控运行技术,确保出水稳定达标,保障区域水环境安全.

The construction of wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs)by stages is the normal state of the planning and of large,medium and small cities at present.Based on the operating load rate,water quality standards,investment guarantee,system safety and other factors of WWTPs,the construction and operation of WWTPs by stages is the direction of urban WWTP construction in the future.A municipal wastewater project in Guangzhou includes expansion and bid upgrading,among them,the expansion project is 3×105 m3/d,adopting AAOA+MBR process,and the bid upgrading project is 2×105 m3/d,using modified AAO+advanced treatment process.In order to solve the problems of incomplete system function,low removal rate of total phosphorus,unclear water allocation regular pattern between multi-stage WWTPs,high energy consumption,abnormal water quality fluctuation and insufficient experience in new process safety management at the initial stage of trial operation,the first was to use temporary measures,such as using multiple high-power generators to supply main equipment by zones,using temporary blowers for biochemical aeration,and using temporary reagent tanks and laying temporary reagent tubes.To achieve the goal of water supply on schedule and discharge up to standard,the second was to optimize the process,improve the operation capacity,and gradually form a set of mature,low-energy multi-stage WWTP commissioning and regulation operation experience through influent at different points,and optimize the amount and mode of aeration,so as to finally ensure that the effluent is stable and up to standard,and ensure the safety of the regional water environment.


广州市净水有限公司,广东广州 510655||广州水务环保技术有限公司,广东广州 510163广州市净水有限公司,广东广州 510655



construction by stagescommissioning operationmacrogene sequencingcarbon reductionMBR

《净水技术》 2024 (007)

111-118,140 / 9


