

Implementation of Quick Start-Up for Anammox Reactor by Stratified Inoculation


接种传统生物污泥直接启动厌氧氨氧化反应器存在耗时久,甚至启动失败等问题.此外,与厌氧氨氧化污泥混合接种的传统生物污泥会释放出氨氮和有机物等物质,抑制厌氧氨氧化菌的活性,减缓反应器的启动.对此,文中创新性地提出采用分层接种传统生物污泥和厌氧氨氧化污泥的策略,考察了分层接种剩余污泥(上层)和厌氧氨氧化颗粒污泥(下层)反应器的启动特性及剩余污泥富集厌氧氨氧化菌的情况.结果表明,运行第 13 d,打开回流产生了短期冲击,反应快速恢复稳定,成功启动了厌氧氨氧化反应器.运行的第 86 d,上层剩余污泥的比厌氧氨氧化活性(SAA)为 2.5 mg NH4+/(g VSS·d).经过144 d的培养,NRR达到了 10.8 kg N/(m3·d),剩余污泥中含有 28.2%的Candidatus_Brocadia、1.5%的Candidatus_Jettenia厌氧氨氧化菌属,厌氧氨氧化菌的拷贝数达到 8.7×1016个/g,高效、稳定的厌氧氨氧化反应器得以成功启动.

The Anammox reactor by inoculating traditional biological sludge starts for a long time and even fails to start.Mixed with Anammox sludge,traditional biological sludge can release ammonia nitrogen and organic matter to inhibit Anammox bacteria,the low activity of the bacteria slows down the start-up of the reactor.Therefore,the innovative strategy of layered inoculation of traditional biological sludge and Anammox sludge was proposed.The start-up characteristics of the reactors with layered inoculation of activated sludge(upper layer)and Anammox granular sludge(lower layer)and the enrichment of Anammox bacteria by activated sludge were investigated.On thirteenth day of operation,opening the reflux generated a short-term impact,and the reaction period quickly recovered and stabilized,and the Anammox reactor was successfully started.On the 86th day of operation,the SAA of activated sludge in the upper layer was 2.5 mg NH4+/(g VSS·d).After 144 days cultivation,the NRR reached 10.8 kg N/(m3·d),the excess sludge contained 28.2%Candidatus_Brocadia and 1.5%Candidatus_Jettenia,the copy number of Anammox attained 8.7×1016 g-1.Stable and efficient Anammox reactor has been started successfully.


上海环境集团股份有限公司,上海 200120



Anammoxexcess sludgestratified inoculationquick start-upmixed inoculation

《净水技术》 2024 (007)

119-125 / 7

