

Example of Water Treatment Upgrading and Reconstruction Project for Tailings Comprehensive Treatment Plant


云南某锌业有限公司采矿废水产生量大,出水铅、镉含量无法稳定达标,其治理和改造难度大.针对该厂废水的来源及特性,结合综合处理厂的处理工艺,在生产实践及技术改造过程中,构建形成了一套具有处理流程简单、自动化程度高的尾矿废水处理技术.根据雨量采用应急池、通过试验减少药剂种类、利用现有池体,对其进行改造,实现了水处理车间内处理废水量提高、处理成本下降.实际运行结果表明,废水中重金属污染物均优于执行标准《铅、锌工业污染物排放标准》(GB 25466-2010)的要求,此提标扩容改造工程保证了最终出水稳定达标.与之相关的先进技术及成功生产经验,可为类似尾矿废水处理提供借鉴和参考.

A certain zinc industry limited company in Yunnan produces a large amount of mining wastewater,and the lead and cadmium content in the effluent cannot stably meet the standard.Its governance and transformation are difficult.Based on the source and characteristics of the wastewater from the plant,combined with the treatment process of the comprehensive treatment plant.In the process of production practice and technological transformation,a set of tailings wastewater treatment technology with simple treatment process and high degree of automation has been constructed.This includes using emergency pools based on rainfall,reducing the types of chemicals through experiments,and utilizing existing pool bodies to renovate them.It has achieved an increase in the amount of wastewater treatment in the water treatment workshop and a decrease in treatment costs.The actual operation results showed that the heavy metal pollutants in the wastewater are better than the requirements of the executive standard Emission Standard of Pollutants for Lead and Zinc Industry(GB 25466-2010).And this upgrading and expansion project ensured that the final effluent is stable and meets the standard.The advanced technology and successful production experience related to it can provide reference and reference for similar tailings wastewater treatment.


长沙华时捷环保科技发展股份有限公司,湖南长沙 410000



tailings wastewaterupgrading and reconstructionchemical methodwastewater treatmentlead-zinc mine

《净水技术》 2024 (007)

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