

Design Case of Sludge Disposal in Strong Flavor Liquor WWTP


为研究适宜的浓香型白酒污水厂污泥处置方案,满足节能降碳、高效用能的项目需求,提出通过能耗分析比对主流污泥处置工艺的设计思路.结果表明,离心脱水和污泥低温干化工艺不需要消耗沼气和额外补充能源,满足能源利用的要求,适宜在浓香型白酒污水厂污泥处置中使用.经过投资分析,该方案 10 年费用为 1.28 亿元,同期板框脱水方案为 1.56 亿元,具有成本优势.研究对浓香型白酒污水厂污泥处置设计有一定的指导和借鉴意义.

To investigate an appropriate disposal process in the strong flavor liquor wastewater treatment plant(WWTP)sludge,fulfilling the requirements of energy conservation,carbon reduction,and efficient energy utilization,a proposal is made to compare the design concepts of mainstream sludge disposal processes through energy consumption analysis.The results show that the centrifugal dewatering and low-temperature sludge drying processes do not require the consumption of biogas and additional supplementary energy.They satisfy the requirements for energy utilization and are suitable for use in the sludge disposal of strong flavor liquor WWTPs.Through investment analysis,the proposed scheme incurs a cost of 128 million yuan over ten years,while the frame dehydrator scheme costs 156 million yuan over the same period,possessing a cost advantage.The case has a certain reference and reference significance for the design of sludge disposal in strong flavor liquor WWTPs.


中国市政工程中南设计研究总院有限公司,四川成都 610000北京清源华建环境科技有限公司,北京 100000



energy conservation and carbon reductionstrong flavor liquor wastewater treatment plantsludge disposalsludge dryingwaste heat utilization

《净水技术》 2024 (007)

190-195 / 6

