

International Development Trends and Future Prospects of Digital Teaching Among College and University Teachers


聚焦高校教师数字化教学这一研究热点,采用CiteSpace软件分析了 2006-2023年间Web of Science核心合集收录的727篇相关文献,对其发文趋势、作者合作网络、研究机构合作网络、高频关键词共现以及关键词聚类进行了可视化分析.结果发现:该领域经历了缓慢增长、稳健发展与活跃突破等三个阶段;西班牙及其塞维利亚大学在数字化教学领域的研究表现尤为突出;国际学术界的研究热点包括数字技术与教育的整合、教师数字技能培训及其效果评价、数字化评估在高等教育中的应用以及教师对数字技术的态度和实践挑战.有鉴于此,提出了该领域未来研究需深入探索的四个焦点研究议题.

This article focuses on the research hotspots of digital teaching among college and university teachers.Utilizing citespace software,it analy-zes 727 relevant documents collected in the Web of Science Core Collection from 2006 to 2023.The analysis includes trends in publications,author collab-oration networks,research institution collaboration networks,high-frequency keyword co-occurrence,and visualization of keyword clustering knowledge maps.The findings reveal that this field has undergone three stages:slow growth,steady development,and rapid progress marked by significant break-throughs.Spain and the University of Seville,in particular,have shown remarkable performance in the field of digital teaching.The research hotspots in the international academic community include the integration of digital technology and education,training and effectiveness evaluation of teachers'digital skills,the application of digital assessment in higher education,and the challenges on teachers'practices and attitudes towards digital technology.In light of these findings,four key areas for future research are proposed.


陕西师范大学教育学部,陕西西安 710000||西北大学现代学院基础部,陕西西安 710000陕西师范大学教育学部,陕西西安 710000



College and university teachersDigital teachingInternational researchHot-spot analysis

《继续教育研究》 2024 (009)

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