

Identification and evaluation of natural enrichment elements ability of fresh cormels from local varieties of red bud taro[Colocasia esculenta(L.)Schott]



[Objective]Red bud taro is a typical multi-seed taro type.and its quality and flavor rank first in taro varieties.It is nourishing for both young and old people and excellent as both medicine and food.Clarifying the genotypical differences in the natural enrichment ability of red bud taro and screening out the local varieties with high enrichment of beneficial elements and low enrichment of harmful elements will provide the theoretical basis and practical guidance for the genetic improvement and the variety choice with high-yield,high-quality,good nutrition and safety.[Method]21 local varieties of red bud taro widely planted in different areas were used as the experimental materials and planted in the same field.The contents and accumulation amounts of beneficial elements including iron(Fe),zinc(Zn),selenium(Se),magnesium(Mg),and harmful elements including cadmium(Cd),chromium(Cr),lead(Pb),mercury(Hg)and arsenic(As)in their fresh cormels were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS),and their natural enrichment abilities were comprehensively identified and evaluated by fuzzy membership function method,entropy weight technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution(EW-TOPSIS)and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.[Result]The results showed that there were high differences in the fresh cormels yield of red-bud taro local varieties,the yield of HY09(Jiaxing,Zhejiang)was 4.5 times as that of HY10(Kunming,Yunnan).The natural enrichment ability(content and accumulation amount)of fresh cormels in local varieties was significantly different.There were significant or extremely significant differences in the contents and accumulation amounts of different beneficial and harmful elements in either the fresh cormels of the same local variety or the same beneficial and harmful elements in the fresh cormels of different local varieties.Among the beneficial elements,the content and accumulation amount of Mg were the highest,followed by Fe and Zn,and those of Se were extremely low.The differences of Zn content and accumulation amount were the largest among varieties,followed by Fe and Se,and those of Mg were the smallest.Among the harmful elements,the content and accumulation amount of Cd and Hg were the highest and the lowest,respectively;the Cd and As differences among varieties was the largest and the smallest,respectively.The enrichment capacity for Cd in fresh cormels of different local varieties was strong,the enrichment capacity for Mg was medium,and the enrichment capacity for other elements was very small.The content and accumulation amount of Se with Fe,Cr,Hg and As,Fe with Zn,Cr,Hg and As,Zn with Cr,Hg and As,Mg with Cd,Cr with As,and Hg with As in fresh cormels were significantly and positively correlated.[Conclusion]The comprehensive analysis showed that the natural enrichment ability of fresh cormels from different local varieties of red bud taro could be divided into three categories(high,medium and low),HY14(Yongzhou,Hunan)had high enrichment ability,HY4(Wuxi,Jiangsu)and HY20(Ganzhou,Jiangxi)were of medium enrichment ability,and the other varieties were of low enrichment ability.


江西农业大学 农学院,江西 南昌 330045江西省吉安市万安县农业农村局,江西 吉安 343899



red bud taro[Colocasia esculenta(L.)Schott]enrichmentelementsgenotypic differencesidentification and evaluation

《江西农业大学学报》 2024 (004)

867-883 / 17

江西省农业关键核心技术攻关专项(JXNK202309)和江西省现代农业产业技术体系专项(JXARS-19)Project supported by the Earmarked Fund for Key Core Technology Research on Jiangxi Agriculture(JXNK202309)and Jiangxi Agriculture Research System(JXARS-19)江西省富硒农业研究院重点委托项目(JXFX21-ZD05)同时对本研究给予了资助,谨致谢意!

