

Research on in-situ protection technology of pressurized limestone water in the coal seam floor of North China-type coalfield from the perspective of resilience


目的 为推进保水开采技术高质量发展,有效解决华北型煤田底板承压灰岩水原位保护问题,方法 根据扰动下系统韧性演化特征,从韧性抵抗力、恢复力和适应力出发,分析煤层底板在采动和承压水影响下由抵抗到恢复及再适应的全过程.基于"精准、高效、全面"的核心内涵,构建以"治理靶区精准确定、多分支井高效注浆、保水效果全面评价"为主体的华北型煤田底板承压灰岩水原位保护技术框架.结果 结果表明:治理靶区精准确定包括垂向层位确定和横向靶位确定;多分支井高效注浆包括定、钻、注3个步骤;保水效果全面评价包括底板岩层注浆效果评价和水资源承载力恢复评价.根据底板破坏深度和临界隔水层厚度计算,确定底板注浆垂向层位,根据关键指标参数探测和脆弱性指数模型计算确定底板注浆横向靶位,形成底板注浆靶区的量化确定方法并开发相应的软件系统.多分支井注浆结合随钻定向技术,对相关裂隙等进行注浆封堵,减少直井段数量,提高钻井效率.针对保水开采中"安全开采"和"水资源保护"理念,提出基于底板岩层注浆效果探测和水资源承载力恢复监测的原位保水效果评价方法.结论 在安徽某矿进行工程应用,保障底板承压灰岩水上开采煤层安全性的同时,兼顾矿区经济效益与生态环境发展.研究结果完善了承压水上保水开采技术体系,为后续研究及现场应用提供借鉴.

Objectives To promote the high-quality development of water-preserved mining technology and ef-fectively solve the problem of in-situ protection of pressurized limestone water in coal seam floor of the North China-type coalfield,Methods the whole process of resistance,recovery and re-adaptation of the coal seam floor under the influence of mining and pressurized water was analyzed from the three attributes of re-silience(resistance,recovery,and adaptability).According to the characteristics of system resilience evolu-tion under disturbance,a technical framework for in-situ protection of pressurized limestone water in the coal seam floor of North China-type coalfields was proposed,with an emphasis on precision,efficiency,and comprehensiveness.This framework focused on the precise determination of the target area,efficient grouting of multi-branch wells,and comprehensive evaluation of water-preservation effects.Results The results showed that the precise determination of the management target area included two aspects:vertical layer de-termination and lateral target determination.The efficient grouting of multi-branch wells included three steps:setting,drilling and injection.The comprehensive evaluation of the water conservation effect included two aspects:evaluation of the grouting effect on the coal seam floor rock layer and evaluation of the restora-tion of water resources'carrying capacity.The vertical layer position of coal seam floor grouting was deter-mined based on the calculation of the damage depth of the floor and the thickness of the critical water bar-rier layer.The lateral target position of floor grouting was determined based on the detection of key index pa-rameters and the calculation model of the vulnerability index,forming a quantitative determination method and software system for the target area of floor grouting.Multi-branch well grouting combined with direc-tional drilling technology was used to grout and seal relevant fissures,reducing the number of straight well sections and improving drilling efficiency.In terms of"safe mining"and"water resource protection"con-cepts in water-preserved mining,an in-situ water conservation effect evaluation method was proposed based on the detection of the grouting effect of the floor rock layer and monitoring the restoration of the water re-source carrying capacity.Conclusions The project had been applied in a mine in Anhui Province,ensuring the safety of coal seams mined on pressurized limestone water while balancing economic benefits and eco-logical environment development in the mining area.The research results had improved the technical system of water-preserved mining on pressurized water and provided references for subsequent research and field applications.


河南省瓦斯地质与瓦斯治理重点实验室-省部共建国家重点实验室培育基地,河南 焦作 454000||河南理工大学 安全科学与工程学院,河南 焦作 454000河南豫中地质勘查工程有限公司,河南 郑州 450000



resilienceNorth China-type coalfieldpressurized limestone waterwater-preserved mininggrouting technology

《河南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (004)

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