

Learning-driven optimization of energy-efficient distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow shop lot-streaming scheduling



This paper studies an energy-efficient distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow shop lot-streaming scheduling problem,where the processing efficiency of each factory is different and the jobs can be split into several sub-lots to access the manufacturing system.The mixed integer programming model is built with the makespan and total energy consumption objectives.A learning-driven multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is proposed,which includes learning-driven global search and local search.Q-learning is introduced as a learning engine,and the evaluation of population and non-dominated solution sets is used as an environmental feedback signal to dynamically guide the selection of search operations through continuous learning.Based on the characteristics of the problem,the state set,action set and reward mechanism of the algorithm are designed.The introduction of Q-learning can sense the current search state in time,reduce the blindness of search operations,and improve the efficiency of search.From the testing results on simulation data set,it is shown that the proposed algorithm can effectively solve the energy-efficient distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow shop lot-streaming scheduling problem.


南京航空航天大学计算机科学与技术学院,江苏南京 211106||南京师范大学计算机与电子信息学院/人工智能学院,江苏南京 210023||江苏省信息安全保密工程中心,江苏南京 210023南京航空航天大学计算机科学与技术学院,江苏南京 211106陕西师范大学计算机科学学院,陕西西安 710119


distributed heterogeneous hybrid flow shop schedulinglot-streaming schedulinglearning-driven multi-objective evolutionary algorithminteger programmingenergy-efficiency optimization

《控制理论与应用》 2024 (006)

1018-1028 / 11

国家自然科学基金项目(62003203,62103195,62262018),江苏省基础研究计划项目(BK20210558),中国博士后基金面上项目(2021M701700,2023M732166),中央高校基本业务费项目(GK202201014),大规模复杂系统数值模拟教育部重点实验室开放基金项目(202404)资助.Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(62003203,62103195,62262018),the Jiangsu Natural Science Foundation(BK20210558),the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Funded Project(2021M701700,2023M732166),the Fundamental Research Funds for the Center Universities(GK202201014)and the Open Project Fund of Key Laboratory of Numerical Simulation for Large Scale Complex Systems,Ministry of Education,China(202404).

