

The effect of FR-Ⅲ appliances on the craniofacial structure of Class Ⅲ malocclusion at different growth and development periods


目的:对不同生长发育期的安氏Ⅲ类错(牙合)畸形,根据颈椎骨龄分期分组,通过对正畸治疗前后头颅侧位片的测量分析,比较不同生长发育期开展FR-Ⅲ型矫治器治疗的颅面部效果差异.方法:选取34例使用FR-Ⅲ型矫治器治疗,处于生长发育期的安氏Ⅲ类患者,根据颈椎骨龄分期分组:生长发育高峰前期组(CVM Ⅰ~Ⅱ期)、生长发育高峰期组(CVM Ⅲ~Ⅳ期).使用Dolphin 11.8软件对患者颅面结构进行X线头影测量分析.结果:治疗后SNA 角、ANB 角、U1-SN 角、U1-APog 距和覆盖、NA-PA 角均显著增大(P<0.01);Z 角亦增大(P<0.05);FH-N'Pog'角、N'-Sn-Pog'角和IMPA角显著减小(P<0.01).比较生长发育高峰前期组和高峰期组FR-Ⅲ型矫治器矫治前后的差值,高峰期组SNB角、MP-SN差值绝对值显著大于高峰前期组(P<0.05).结论:FR-Ⅲ型矫治器可促进上颌骨向前生长,改善软组织侧貌,但没有显著抑制下颌骨生长.在生长发育高峰前期矫治,促进上颌骨向前生长的可能性更大,在高峰期矫治会引起下颌骨顺时针旋转.

Objective:To compare the differences in the effect of FR-Ⅲ appliance treatment carried out in the differ-ent growth and development period on the patients'craniofacial structure by analyzing the measurements of lateral cephalo-grams before and after the treatment of patients with Class Ⅲ malocclusion at different stages.Methods:Lateral cephalograms of 34 patients with Class Ⅲ malocclusion treated with FR-Ⅲ appliance were selected and divided into two groups according to cervical vertebral maturation method:prepubertal group(CVM Ⅰ to Ⅱ),and pubertal peak group(CVM Ⅲ to Ⅳ).Ceph-alometric analysis of the patient's craniofacial structures was performed with Dolphin Imaging software(version,11.8).Re-sults:SNA,ANB,U1-SN,U1-APog,Overjet and NA-PA were significantly increased after treatment(P<0.01),Z angle were also increased(P<0.05),FH-N'Pog',N'-Sn-Pog'and IMPA were significantly reduced(P<0.01).The absolute values of SNB and MP-SN difference in the pubertal peak group were significantly higher than those in the prepubertal group(P<0.05).Conclusion:The FR-Ⅲ appliance treatment promoted the forward growth of the maxilla and improved soft tissue pro-file,but did not significantly inhibit mandibular growth.The orthodontic treatment during the prepubertal growth period is more probable to promote forward growth of the maxilla.In addition,the FR-Ⅲ treatment during the pubertal growth period in-duces clockwise rotation of the mandible.


口腔疾病研究国家重点实验室,国家口腔疾病临床医学研究中心,四川大学华西口腔医院正畸科 四川 成都 610041



Class Ⅲ malocclusionFR-Ⅲ applianceCervical vertebral maturation

《临床口腔医学杂志》 2024 (007)

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