

Comparative analysis of ozone pollution cases in Meishan city based on unmanned aerial vehicle vertical observation


为深入了解对流层低层臭氧(O3)浓度分布特征及气象要素对O3 污染的影响,使用无人机对眉山市 2022 年 6 月27-30 日和7 月 6-12 日的O3 浓度、气温和相对湿度进行垂直观测,并结合天气形势、地面气象要素和HYSPLIT的48h后向轨迹,分别从近地面和垂直方向对两次过程进行对比分析.结果表明:O3 浓度日变化明显,近地面 06:00-08:00 出现谷值,10:00左右开始明显升高,多在12:00-20:00 达到峰值,而垂直方向10:00-22:00 一般O3 平均浓度10:00 最低,12:00 快速升高,16:00 小幅回落,20:00 达到峰值;近地面O3 浓度较高时对应的平均垂直浓度也较高,且同一时次近地面高于垂直方向,无冷空气影响时大部分时次O3 浓度在 0~1000 m随高度的增加在近地面呈先略增后减少的趋势,峰值多出现在离地面 0~300 m;O3 浓度与气象要素的相关性白天明显比夜间高,与温度呈显著的正相关,在近地面与相对湿度、气压总体呈显著负相关,与风速呈正相关,而在垂直方向上O3 浓度与相对湿度在不同观测时次相关性有明显差别.

In order to better understand the concentration distribution of O3 in the lower troposphere and the influ-ence of meteorological factors on O3 pollution,this paper used UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)to observe O3 concentration vertically,air temperature and relative humidity in Meishan city from June 27 to 30 and July 6 to 12,2022,and combines the weather situation,ground meteorological elements and HYSPLIT's 48 h backward trajecto-ry to compare and analyze the two processes from the near surface and vertical direction,respectively.The results showed that the daily variation of O3 concentration was obvious,the valley value near surface appeared at 06:00-08:00,and began to increase significantly around 10:00,then reaching a peak during 12:00-20:00.While the av-erage concentration of O3 in the vertical direction was lowest at 10:00 and rapidly enhanced at 12:00,fell slightly at 16:00 and peaked at 20:00.When the concentration of O3 near surface is high,the corresponding average verti-cal concentration is also higher;while the concentration of O3 near surface is higher than that in the vertical direc-tion,and the concentration of O3 in the 0~1000 m increases slightly and then decreases,and the peak mostly ap-pears in the height of 0~300 m above the ground.The correlation between O3 concentration and meteorological el-ements was significantly higher during the day than that during the night,positively correlated with temperature,negatively correlated with relative humidity and pressure,and positively correlated with wind speed,while the cor-relation between O3 concentration and relative humidity in the vertical direction was significantly different at differ-ent observation times.


眉山市气象局,四川眉山 620010四川省眉山生态环境监测中心站,四川眉山 620010



O3 pollutionUnmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV)Vertical distribution

《气象与环境学报》 2024 (003)

17-25 / 9


