

The Transformation of New Quality Productive Forces in Forestry to promote the High-quality Development of Forestry



⑴ Background——At present,the academic research on new quality productive forces is mainly concen-trated in two aspects:first,it studies the philosophical connotation,contents and characteristics,evolution paths and directions,generation logic,core elements and formation mechanism of new quality productive forces from the theoretical perspective;Second,it studies the application of new quality productive forces in tourism indus-try,agricultural economy,emerging industrialization,new digital economy and modern industrial system from the perspective of practice.However,few studies have been made on the realization paths of new quality productive forces in forestry development.Developing new quality productive forces in forestry is an important direction to promote the upgrading and development of forestry industry. ⑵ Methods——Based on the research methods and policy texts of Marxist political economy theory,this paper discussed the related issues of the transformation from traditional productive forces in forestry to new quality productive forces in forestry from three aspects:selection basis,realistic requirements and realization paths. ⑶ Results——The selection basis of new quality productive forces in forestry mainly includes theoretical basis,policy basis and economic basis.There are three realistic requirements for the transformation of new quali-ty productive forces in forestry:first,improve the quality of forestry workers,which is the realistic requirement for the comprehensive development of forestry.Second,improve the technical content of means of labor in forest-ry,which is the realistic requirement of the innovative development of forestry.Third,expand the subjects of la-bor in forestry,which is the realistic requirement of diversified development of forestry.The new quality produc-tive forces in forestry is the result of innovating the three elements and improving the combination of the three ele-ments of productive forces in forestry.At present,the forestry development in China belongs to the transformation stage,and the realization paths of transformation needs to be solved. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——According to the underlying logic of the"U-2L"coordinate sys-tem,the coordinate diagram of the transformation paths of new quality productive forces in forestry can be con-structed.From the horizontal axis,the right axis represents the level of upgrading of the forestry supply chain,and the left axis represents the level of upgrading of the forestry industry chain.The key to promote the transfor-mation of new quality productive forces in forestry is to promote the optimization and upgrading of forestry industry chain and supply chain.From the vertical axis,the upper axis represents the degree of innovation of the emerging industry in forestry,and the lower axis represents the degree of penetration of future technologies in forestry.The key point to promote the transformation of new quality productive forces in forestry is to cultivate emerging indus-try and future industry in forestry actively.From the oblique axis,the driving force of digital technology innova-tion is the core driving force.The core to promote the transformation of new quality productive forces in forestry is to further promote the development of digital technology innovation in forestry.The three axes represent positio-ning,and the coordinate points represent the degree of transformation of new quality productive forces in forestry.Local forestry departments should combine their own conditions,find the right development orientation,and pro-mote the transformation and high-quality development of forestry in the new era.


中共福建省委党校 哲学教研部,福州 350108福建师范大学 马克思主义学院,福州 350117龙岩学院 经济与管理学院,福建 龙岩 364012



Marxist political economynew quality productive forcesforestryhigh-quality developmenttransfor-mation

《林业经济问题》 2024 (002)

113-119 / 7


