

Study on the Consistency Between Farmers'Carbon Sink Forest Management Willingness and Behavior


基于效益认知和受益认知视角,研究农户的碳汇林经营意愿与行为,利用Logit模型对浙江省林业碳汇项目实施地区149 户农户行为数据及附近非碳汇项目实施地区370 户农户意愿数据进行实证分析.结果表明,效益认知和受益认知对农户碳汇林经营意愿与行为的影响存在明显差异.在效益认知方面,生态、社会效益认知均能显著提高农户的碳汇林经营意愿,而农户的碳汇林经营行为仅受社会效益认知影响;在受益认知方面,农户的碳汇林经营意愿同时受到受益金额和受益方式的影响,而拓展到行为时,两种因素的影响减弱.建议加大碳汇项目宣传和碳汇政策普及,制定合理的补贴标准及补贴途径,充分调动参与农户的碳汇林经营积极性.

⑴ Background——Under the background of"dual carbon",the development and implementation of forest carbon sinks projects can not only improve the level of forest management,increase the potential of forest carbon sinks,but also play a certain economic and social benefits.However,in reality,due to the long operation cycle of forest carbon sinks projects,there are risks such as natural disasters,technical constraints,market fluctuations and policy changes,etc.As the implementers of forest carbon sinks projects,the willingness of forest farmers to manage forest is higher,but their participation behavior is weak. ⑵ Methods——The research hypotheses were put forward on the basis of theoretical analysis.The research data came from the field survey conducted by the research group in 5 counties(districts)in Zhejiang Province from June 2022 to August 2023,and a total of 519 valid questionnaires were obtained.In this paper,farmers'carbon sinks forest management behavior was selected as the explained variable,benefit cognition and interest cognition was selected as the key explanatory variables,and personal characteristics,family characteristics and village characteristics were selected as the control variables.Based on the perspective of benefit cognition and in-terest cognition,Logit model was used to systematically discuss and compare the effects of these two kinds of cog-nition on the forest farmers’willingness and behavior to manage carbon sinks forests. ⑶Results——From the two cognitive perspectives,there is a significant deviation between the farmers'actual management behavior and participation willingness.Both benefit cognition and interest cognition can signif-icantly improve the farmers' willingness to manage carbon sinks forests,but have no significant effect on their management behavior.In terms of benefit cognition,although both ecological benefit cognition and social benefit cognition can significantly improve the farmers' willingness to manage carbon sinks forests,only social benefit cognition has a significant positive impact on the farmers' management behavior of participating in forest carbon sinks projects.In terms of interest cognition,the farmers' willingness to manage carbon sinks forests is affected by both the amount of interest and the way of interest,and the influence of these two factors is weakened when extended to management behavior. ⑷ Conclusions and Discussions——Based on the above research conclusions,the following policy rec-ommendations are put forward:First,carry out appropriate training,extensively use online media to increase the publicity of carbon sinks projects and the popularization of carbon sinks policies.Second,establish a diversified and market-oriented ecological compensation mechanism to enhance the social benefits of carbon sinks projects by increasing employment positions and forestry technical training,etc.,strengthen the information disclosure of the interest distribution mechanism of forest carbon sinks projects,and encourage farmers to participate in the deci-sion-making on the projects management and interest distribution policies.Third,focus on various factors that af-fect farmers' decision-making,including risk attitude,time preference,information acquisition and processing methods,family structure,community relations,and policy support,etc.Fourth,provide more support measures and incentive mechanisms,establish a long-term tracking mechanism,and continuously optimize the operation mode and management mechanism of forest carbon sinks projects.


浙江农林大学 经济管理学院,杭州 311300浙江农林大学 经济管理学院,杭州 311300||浙江农林大学 浙江省乡村振兴研究院,杭州 311300浙江农林大学 浙江省乡村振兴研究院,杭州 311300



forest management behaviorcarbon sinks projectsbenefit cognitioninterest cognition

《林业经济问题》 2024 (002)

161-170 / 10


