

Application of fluorescent paper-based microfluidic chips in food detection



Food safety issues have frequently occurred worldwide,which are mainly resulted from all kinds of food contaminants.Up till now,during the practical applications,the quantitative detection of food contaminants has tradi-tionally relied on sophisticated instruments such as liquid chromatography,gas chromatography,ion chromatography,mass spectrometry or combinations of these techniques.They can achieve high detection accuracy and stability.How-ever,these methods are costly and time-consuming,have complicated operation,and use large equipment,making the on-site and rapid screening of a large number of samples difficult.Thus,to ensure the foods in a safe level,re-searchers are dedicated to develope sensitive and rapid analytical methods for the detection of food contaminants.Pa-per-based microfluidic chips(μPADs)is a micro-laboratory analytical system that miniaturize biochemical reactions using paper as the main substrate.In recent years,the technology of µPADs has undergone rapid development and provides a feasible,low-cost alternative to traditional rapid tests for detecting harmful compounds.In fact,µPADs were developed rapidly in chip design and functional integration,and widely used to ensure food safety due to the ad-vantages of low cost,small sample size and portability,which have unique potential in rapid detection.Using paper as an inert analytical support,the capillary action of paper allows the solution to flow without external tools,eliminating the need for external pumping for paper sensors and thus limiting the cost of more sophisticated microfluidic devices.Compared to other detection methods,fluorescence-based µPADs have the advantages of good selectivity and high sensitivity,which can quickly and accurately determine the target and meet the needs of on-site detection,providing an ideal solution for food detection.They show great promise in different practical applications and are capable of de-termining various contaminants in food,including pathogenic microorganisms(Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus au-reus,Salmonella,Listeria monocytogenes and Vibrio parahaemolyticus),harmful chemicals(pesticides,Sudan red dye,nitrites,formaldehyde and antibiotics)and heavy metal ions(Pb,Cd,Hg,As and Cr).This study introduces the basic concepts of μPADs,including the advantages of paper as a substrate as well as the characteristics of two-di-mensional and three-dimensional chips,and focuses on the fluorescence detection principle and its application in the field of food detection.The results of this study will contribute to the development and application of more novel µPADs based on fluorescence analytical methods and provide a reference for the development of accurate and sensitive on-site detection methods for food contaminants.


华南理工大学制浆造纸工程国家重点实验室,广州 510640



paper-based microfluidic chipfluorescencefood detectionfood contaminant

《林业工程学报》 2024 (004)

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