

Aminated modification of shellac resin and properties of its waterborne coatings


利用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、碳核磁共振(13C-NMR)及差示扫描量热仪(DSC)对改性紫胶树脂进行性能表征测试.结果表明,对氨基苯甲酸主要以酯化接枝至紫胶树脂中,改性紫胶树脂氨基物质的量浓度可达1.90mmol/g,热寿命可由3.9 min延长至11.1 min.对改性紫胶树脂与不同类型聚合物(聚乙二醇、聚乙烯醇、聚丙烯酰胺和羟丙基甲基纤维素)复配后的水性涂膜进行性能测试,结果表明,改性紫胶树脂可通过乙二醛的羰氨反应提高涂膜的固化交联度,从而提升紫胶树脂在不同基材表面的附着力,其中金属基材的附着力可达5.61 MPa,附着力提升92.12%.乙二醛交联可将紫胶树脂的耐冲击、耐盐雾、耐水浸等性能分别提升至120 cm、72 h和720 h;聚乙二醇聚合物的引入还可以在保持涂膜耐水性能、耐盐雾性能的同时,使漆膜弯曲柔韧性得到提升.综上可知,本研究探索了以羰氨反应为基础的紫胶树脂改性新路径,为紫胶树脂的进一步开发和利用提供了新的原料和思路.

This study focused on investigating the preparation method of shellac resin modified by p-amino benzoic acid and the examination of the properties of water-based coatings formed by combining amino benzoic acid modified shel-lac resin and four types of polymers.Firstly,the effect of the amount of p-amino benzoic acid on the thermal life of the modified shellac resin was explored,and the amount of amino benzoic acid was determined.Then the properties of the modified shellac resin,such as acid value,hydroxyl value and color index,were tested.The structure of the modi-fied shellac resin was characterized by the Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FT-IR),carbon-13 nuclear mag-netic resonance spectrometry(13C-NMR),and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC).The experimental results showed that the p-amino benzoic acid was mainly grafted into shellac resin by esterification.The consumption of hy-droxyl group during esterification reduced the thermal life of the modified shellac resin,and the introduction of amino group increased the melting point of modified shellac resin.The amino molar concentration of the modified shellac re-sin could reach 1.90 mmol/g,and the thermal life could be extended from 3.9 min to 11.1 min.The performance tests of waterborne coatings made by compounding modified shellac resin with different types of polymers,such as polyeth-ylene glycol(PEG),polyvinyl alcohol(PVA),polyacrylamide(PAM),hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose(HPMC),showed that the adhesion of the modified shellac resin crosslinked with glyoxal was significantly higher than that of the modified shellac resin,indicated that the modified shellac resin could improve the curing crosslinking degree of the film through the carbonyl ammonia reaction of glyoxal.Thus,the adhesion of shellac resin on different substrate surfaces was improved,among which the adhesion of metal substrate can reach 5.61 MPa,and the adhesion was increased by 92.12%.The colloidal solution of modified shellac resin added with PVA and PEG had better ductili-ty and uniform coating.The impact resistance,salt spray resistance and water resistance of shellac resin could be im-proved to 120 cm,72 h and 720 h,respectively.The introduction of polyethylene glycol polymer could also improve the bending flexibility while maintained the water resistance and salt spray resistance of the film.Hydroxypropyl meth-yl cellulose was an insoluble polymer in cold water,and the salt spray resistance of the film could be improved com-pared with that of modified shellac(M-SHL)and glyoxal crosslinked modified shellac resin.In conclusion,this re-search explored a new path for the modification of shellac resin based on the carbonyl ammonia reaction,providing new raw materials and ideas for the further development and utilization of shellac resin.


西南林业大学化学工程学院,西南地区林业生物质资源高效利用国家林业和草原局重点实验室,昆明 650233||信阳农林学院药学院,信阳 464000西南林业大学化学工程学院,西南地区林业生物质资源高效利用国家林业和草原局重点实验室,昆明 650233||中国林业科学研究院高原林业研究所,昆明 650233信阳农林学院药学院,信阳 464000中国林业科学研究院高原林业研究所,昆明 650233西南林业大学化学工程学院,西南地区林业生物质资源高效利用国家林业和草原局重点实验室,昆明 650233



shellac resinpara-aminobenzoic acidwaterbornecoating

《林业工程学报》 2024 (004)

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