

Optimization of solar collector tilt angle based on coupled radiation model


为了使太阳能集热器获得更多的太阳辐射量,须对集热器倾角进行优化.文章在建立倾斜面太阳辐射计算模型的基础上,分别优化直接辐射、散射辐射的计算过程.以太阳能集热器运行期间倾斜面接收最大辐射量为求解目标,借助MATLAB对集热器倾角进行优化分析,得到月度最佳倾角和年度最佳倾角.其中天津地区的太阳能集热器年度最佳倾角为 36.3°,比当地纬度略小;月度最佳倾角为 10~64°,表现为夏季小冬季大的特点.相较于水平放置,在年度最佳倾角和月度最佳倾角下,太阳能集热器接收的年太阳辐射量可分别增加12.4%,17.3%;相较当地纬度作为倾角时,以月度最佳倾角值逐月调整接收的太阳辐射量可增加 5.0%.分别以广州、拉萨、济南和长春为例,计算得到上述地区的年、月最佳倾角.对不同地区进行对比分析发现,直接辐射占比较高的地区逐月改变最佳倾角可获得更高的能量增益.

In order to maximize the solar radiation yield,it's imperative to optimize the inclination angle of the solar collector.To this end,a calculation model for solar radiation on inclined surfaces was established,and the computation processes for direct and scattered radiation were separately streamlined.MATLAB was utilized to analyze and perfect the elevation angle of the collector,which led to the determination of monthly and annual optimum inclination angles.The research disclosed that the ideal annual inclination angle in Tianjin is 36.3 °,marginally inferior to the local latitude.The monthly tilt angle should vary between 10~64 °,with lower degrees in summer and higher in winter.Placing the collector horizontally enhances annual solar radiation by 12.4%and 17.3%at the optimal yearly and monthly inclination angles,correspondingly.Adjusting the optimum tilt angle by 5.0%is feasible when compared with using the local latitude as the tilt angle.Taking Guangzhou,Lhasa,Jinan and Changchun as examples,the annual and monthly optimum tilt angles of these regions are calculated.The comparative analysis of various cities revealed that for regions with high direct radiation proportion,refining the optimal angle on a monthly basis leads to higher energy gains.


河北工业大学 能源与环境工程学院,天津 300401



solar irradiance modelcollectoroptimum tilt angleoptimization design

《可再生能源》 2024 (007)

894-900 / 7

