

Dynamics of the model turbine with driven motion at different yaw angle operating condition


针对不同偏航工况下受迫运动风力机的动力学特性,文章建立了弹性基础的风力机模型.在湍流来流的条件下,实现模型风力机无规律、多自由度旋转的受迫运动状态,研究风力机的尾流场分布特性及能量特性.结果表明:在偏航角为 0°时,由于受迫运动风力机存在多自由度旋转运动,受迫运动风力机的尾流明显小于固定式风力机,而湍流动能大于固定式风力机尾流中的湍流动能;随着偏航角的增大,风力机的尾流和湍流动能分布均出现径向偏移现象,偏移方向与偏航角旋转方向相反,且尾流和湍流动能均随着偏航角的增大而减小;随着偏航角的增大,受迫运动风力机和固定式风力机的平均输出功率均减小,受迫运动风力机的平均输出功率均小于固定式风力机的平均输出功率.

In this paper,in order to study the dynamics of the model turbine with driven motion at different yaw angle operating condition,a wind turbine model based on elasticity is established.Under the condition of turbulent flow,the driven motion state of the model wind turbine is realized with irregular rotation,and the wake distribution characteristics and energy characteristics of the wind turbine are studied.The results show that when the yaw angle is 0°,the wake of the driven wind turbine is obviously smaller than that of the fixed wind turbine,and the turbulent kinetic energy is greater than that of the fixed wind turbine because of the multi-freedom rotational motion of the driven wind turbine.With the increase of yaw Angle,the distribution of wake and turbulent kinetic energy of wind turbine appears radial deviation,and the deviation direction is opposite to the direction of yaw Angle rotation,and the wake and turbulent kinetic energy decreases with the increase of yaw Angle.With the increase of yaw Angle,the average output power of forced and fixed wind turbines decreases,and the average output power of forced wind turbines is smaller than that of fixed wind turbines.


水电水利规划设计总院,北京 100120中国电建集团中南勘测设计研究院有限公司,湖南 长沙 410014广东工业大学,广东 广州 510006||可再生能源发电工程质量监督站,北京 100120河海大学,江苏南京 211100



wind turbinedynamicsyawwake characteristicspower

《可再生能源》 2024 (007)

908-914 / 7

