

Design and practice of training program for information specialist nurses


目的 探讨信息专职护士培训方案的设计与培训效果,为培养护理信息人才提供参考.方法 对我院 71名学员进行基于护士信息胜任力的信息专职护士培训,培训内容包括理论授课(75 学时)和实践(20学时)共 2部分,并通过调查护士信息胜任力、信息素养、理论考核、综述论文及护理信息化项目改进及参训率来评估培训效果.结果 培训后护士信息胜任力、信息素养总分分别为(119.60±13.88)分、(85.10±8.38)分,与培训前相比,护士信息胜任力及信息素养各维度得分及量表总分均有显著提升(P<0.001).培训后护士理论、综述论文及护理信息化项目改进考核的合格率均达 100%,护士参训率达 100%.结论 经过培训后,信息专职护士各方面能力提升初显成效.今后应完善培训内容,为建立科学的信息专科护士培养模式及资格认证、逐步形成护理信息专业人才培养管理体系及使用方案提供参考.

Objective To explore the design and effect of training program for information specialist nurses,and to provide reference for the training of nursing information talents.Methods Seventy-one students in our hospital were trained based on nurses'information competency.The training content included theoretical teaching(75 hours)and practice(20 hours),and the training effect was evaluated by investigating nurses'information competency,information literacy,theoretical assessment,review paper,improvement of nursing information projects and participation rate.Results After training,the total score of nurses'information competency and information literacy was 119.60±13.88 and 85.10±8.38 respectively.Compared with those before training,the score of nurses'information competency and information literacy and the total score of the scale were significantly improved(P<0.001).After training,the pass rate of nurses'theoretical knowledge,review paper and nursing information project improvement assessment,and the participation rate of nurses reached 100%.Conclusion After training,the ability of information specialist nurses in various aspects has been improved obviously.In the future,the training should be improved to provide reference for the establishment of scientific training mode and qualification certification of information specialist nurses.The training management system and scheme should be developed gradually for information specialist nurses.


安徽医科大学附属六安市人民医院 护理部,安徽 六安 237000



information specialist nursenurse information competenceinformation literacytraining programeffect evaluation

《护理学报》 2024 (014)

28-32 / 5

安徽省教育厅重大课题(2022AH040095);六安市科技局项目(2023 lakj034);安徽省皖南医学院科研课题(WK2023JXYY067)

