

Temporal and spatial characteristics of urban heat island effect and its in-fluencing factors in Beijing from 1981 to 2020


在气候变暖和快速城市化背景下,北京一直面临着城市热岛效应带来的环境问题.基于北京市1981-2020年逐日气温观测资料,采用线性回归、克里金插值和相关性分析等方法,研究了北京市城郊气温变化趋势以及北京市城市热岛强度(Urban Heat Island,UHI)的时空变化特征,并评估了气象因素、人口密度和土地利用/覆盖类型对城市热岛效应的影响.结果表明:近40 a来北京市城郊区的平均气温均呈上升的变化趋势,且城区气温增幅大于郊区,表明北京市UHI上升趋势显著.就季节而言,北京市冬季UHI最强(1.22 ℃),秋季次之,春、夏最弱,其中秋季UHI增幅最大.同时,北京市城市热岛效应范围也在逐渐扩大,其中城六区为高值区,热岛区由西北向东南方向延伸至城市副中心通州区,朝阳区和通州区增温趋势明显.2000年以来,北京市冬季UHI出现了显著的增加趋势,高值区UHI增加至1.6 ℃.此外,主成分分析表明人口、建设用地和气压对城市热岛效应的形成起促进作用,而风速和耕地是缓解城市热岛效应的重要影响因素.

In the context of global warming and rapid urbanization,Beijing,as the capital city,has undergone significant transformations in its urban landscape.These changes have brought about persistent environmental is-sues,particularly the urban heat island(UHI)effect.Based on daily temperature observation data from 1981 to 2020 collected from both urban and suburban stations in Beijing,this study employs methods such as linear re-gression,kriging interpolation,and correlation analysis to investigate the temperature change trends on monthly,seasonal,and annual scales over the past 40 years.Additionally,it explores the spatiotemporal characteristics of UHI intensity in Beijing and assesses the impact of various factors,including meteorological elements(such as extreme maximum temperatures and average wind speed),population density,and land use/cover types,on the UHI effect,ultimately revealing the underlying causes of Beijing's UHI phenomenon.The findings indicate that the temperature trends in both urban and suburban areas of Beijing have been consistent over the past four dec-ades,with an overall upward trajectory.Notably,the temperature increase in urban areas has been more pronounced than in suburban areas,with UHI increasing at a"wave-like"rate of0.1 ℃/(10a)highlighting a significant upward trend in Beijing's UHI.Analyzing by seasons,the UHI effect in Beijing is most pronounced in winter,with an average intensity of 1.22℃,followed by autumn,while spring and summer exhibit the weakest UHI effect.Among these,the increase in UHI during autumn is the most significant,with a change rate of 0.13℃/(10 a).From a spatial perspective,the UHI effect in Beijing is expanding.The high-value UHI areas are con-centrated in the six central urban districts.The UHI zone extends from the northwest towards the southeast,reac-hing the sub-center in Tongzhou district.The warming trend is particularly evident in Chaoyang and Tongzhou districts.Since the year 2000,there has been a noticeable increase in the winter UHI intensity in Beijing,with high-value areas in the Tongzhou sub-center seeing UHI intensities rising to 1.6 ℃.Furthermore,principal com-ponent analysis reveals that population density,construction land,and average atmospheric pressure are key factors promoting the formation of the UHI effect.Conversely,wind speed and cultivated land play crucial roles in mitigating the UHI effect.As the process of urbanization accelerates,balancing urban development with environ-mental ecology becomes a crucial aspect of urban planning.Effective measures to control the UHI effect include regulating population density,rationally planning urban land use in terms of scale,structure,and spatial layout,and increasing the area of green vegetation and other ecological lands to alleviate the UHI impact.By implemen-ting such strategies,Beijing can mitigate the adverse effects of the UHI phenomenon and enhance the overall qual-ity of life for its residents.In summary,addressing Beijing's UHI effect requires a comprehensive approach that in-volves controlling population density,strategically planning urban land use,and enhancing ecological conservation efforts.These measures aim to reduce the spread of the UHI effect and promote a sustainable urban environment,ultimately improving the living conditions and well-being of Beijing's inhabitants.


北京建筑大学应对气候变化研究和人才培养基地,北京 100044北京市气候中心,北京 100089青岛市黄岛区气象局,山东 青岛 266400


Beijingurban heat island effectspatial and temporal distributioninfluencing factors

《大气科学学报》 2024 (004)

581-591 / 11


