

Identification of EgrZFP-EARs of the C2H2 Zinc Finger Protein Gene Family in Eucalyptus grandis and Analysis of Their Expression Pattern Under Abiotic Stresses


桉树(Eucalyptus spp.)是我国南方栽培的重要速生用材树种,但其抗逆性较差.含有乙烯响应元件结合因子相关两亲抑制(ethylene-responsive element binding factor-associated amphiphilic repression,EAR)基序的锌指蛋白(zinc finger protein,ZPF)转录因子成员被证明广泛参与植物对低温、高温、干旱和高盐等非生物逆境响应.本研究在全基因组范围内鉴定巨桉(Eucalyptus grandis)C2H2型ZFP的基础上,进一步分析含有EAR基序的EgrZFP-EAR成员.对这些基因的进化关系,所含EAR基序类型、数量,染色体定位和基因复制情况,以及基因、蛋白序列结构,启动子上的顺式作用元件等进行了分析.并利用转录组数据及qRT-PCR分析了EgrZFP-EAR在不同组织及低温(4℃)、高温(42℃)、干旱、NaCl(300 mmol/L)、ABA(100 μmol/L)和MeJA(100 μmol/L)处理下的表达模式.结果表明,巨桉中共含有118个C2H2型ZFP,其中57个为EgrZFP-EAR成员,包括54个Q-型和3个非Q-型C2H2型ZFP;EgrZFP-EAR中所含EAR基序有3种类型:LxLxL、DLNx(x)P及二者的重叠型.其中含LxLxL类型的EAR基序数量最多,共98个.基因组复制、串联重复及区段重复在这些基因扩张过程中都发挥了作用.EgrZFP-EAR启动子上分布着如逆境响应元件(stress responsive element,STRE)、干旱响应元件(dehydration responsive element,DRE)、干旱诱导的MYB结合位点(MYB-binding site,MBS)和低温响应元件(low temperature responsive element,LTRE)等多种逆境响应元件以及ABA响应元件(ABA-responsive element,ABRE)和MeJA响应元件CGTCA-motif、TGACG-motif等激素响应元件.组织表达模式大致分为4个类型:茎尖和幼叶高表达型、韧皮部高表达型、成熟木质部高表达型以及韧皮部、未成熟和成熟木质部均高表达型.而在4℃不同时间(2,6,12,24,48 h)处理的巨桉幼苗叶片中,EgrZFP-EAR基因的表达分为3种类型:持续诱导型、先升后降型和低温抑制型.高温、干旱、NaCl和ABA、MeJA处理的巨桉幼苗叶片中,来自于不同亚类的12个EgrZFP-EAR基因对不同逆境因子也有不同响应.总之,EgrZFP-EAR基因响应逆境的种类和模式有很大差异,表明了其在非生物逆境胁迫下功能的复杂性.本研究结果为进一步揭示桉树的抗逆分子机制,挖掘抗逆基因资源,进行分子辅助育种提供参考.

Eucalyptus spp.are widely planted in south of China as a fast-growing timber species.However,the resistance to abiotic stresses such as low temperature,drought,and salinity of them is very poor.Zinc finger protein(ZPF)transcription factor members containing the ethylene-responsive element binding factor-associated amphiphilic repression(EAR)motif have been shown to be extensively involved in plant responses to abiotic stresses such as cold,high temperature,drought and salinity.Based on the genome-wide identification of Eucalyptus grandis C2H2-type ZFP,the EgrZFP-EAR genes with EAR motif was screened.The evolutionary relationships of EgrZFP-EAR,the types,numbers and distributions of EAR motifs in their proteins,chromosome localization and gene replication of them,as well as gene and protein sequence structure and the cis-elements on their promoters were analyzed.In addition,transcriptome data and qRT-PCR were used to analyze the expression patterns of EgrZFP-EAR in different tissues and 4℃,high temperature(42℃),drought,NaCl(300 mmol/L),ABA(100 μmol/L)and MeJA(100 μmol/L)treatments of E.grandis seedlings.The results showed that there were 118 C2H2-type ZFP in E.grandis,57 of which were EgrZFP-EAR members,and 54 of these members encoded ZFP proteins containing Q-type sequence(QALGGH).They contained 3 types of EAR motifs:LxLxL,DLNx(x)p,and their overlap.The LxLxL type had the largest number of them,with a total of 98.Evolutionarily,genome-wide replication,tandem duplication and segment duplication all played roles in the expansion of these genes.Stress responsive elements such as DRE,MBS,LTR and STRE,and hormone responsive elements including ABRE and CGTCA-motif were distributed on the EgrZFP-EAR promoters.Tissue expression patterns were divided into 4 types:high expression in shoot tips and young leaves;high expression in phloem;high expression in mature xylem;and high expression in phloem,immature and mature xylem.The expression patterns of EgrZFP-EAR gene in leaves of E.grandis seedlings treated with 4℃for different time(2,6,12,24,48 h)were classified into 3 types.Genes in the first type were induced persistently;the expression of genes in the second type ascended firstly and then descended;and in the third type,genes'expression was mainly inhibited.The selected 12 genes from different EgrZFP-EAR subgroup were also responsive differently to high temperature,drought,NaCl,ABA and MeJA treatments,implicating the complex function of EgrZFP-EAR gene under abiotic stresses.The results provide an foundation for further revealing the molecular mechanism of stress resistance,the exploitation of stress-resistant gene resources and molecular-assisted stress resistance breeding of Eucalyptus.


浙江农林大学林业与生物技术学院/亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室,杭州 311300



Eucalyptus grandisZinc finger protein(ZFP)Ethylene-responsive element binding factor-associated amphiphilic repression(EAR)motifAbiotic stressGene expression

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (008)

1792-1808 / 17


