

Transcriptomic Analysis of Big and Small Testis and Screening Genes Related to Reprodution in Blackette Black Cattle(Bos taurus)


哺乳动物睾丸大小与精液品质及精子数量显著相关,根据成年时期的睾丸大小能够推测雄性繁殖力.为挖掘睾丸大小影响公牛繁殖力的关键候选基因,本研究采集12月龄布莱凯特黑牛(Bos taurus)外周血和睾丸,依据睾丸重量、长径和短径分为大睾丸和小睾丸2组,进行激素测定、睾丸组织学观察和转录组测序,以|log2 Fold Change|≥1和P-value≤0.01为阈值筛选差异表达基因(differentially expressed genes,DEGs),并对其进行基因本体论(Gene Ontology,GO)和KEGG富集分析;使用克隆、qPCR、Western blot和免疫组化方法对候选基因进行检测与定位.结果显示,大睾丸中间质细胞更多,生精小管发育更好;生殖激素睾酮和雌二醇浓度在大睾丸组中显著高于小睾丸组(P<0.05).转录组结果显示,大、小睾丸中共有1 006个DEGs,在小睾丸中297个基因表达上调,709个基因表达下调.功能分析显示,DEGs富集于cAMP和丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinase,MAPK)信号通路,并在繁殖和发育过程中起作用;共筛选到双特异性蛋白磷酸酶4(dual specificity phosphatase 4,DUSP4)、70 kD热休克蛋白1样蛋白(heat shock 70 kD protein 1-like,HSPA1L)和丝裂原激活蛋白激酶4(mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4,MAP4K4)等9个繁殖相关候选基因.对MAP4K4基因及其蛋白进一步研究发现其在大睾丸中的表达量显著低于在小睾丸中(P<0.05).免疫组化(immunohistochemistry,IHC)结果发现,MAP4K4蛋白在精子细胞和精母细胞的细胞质中高表达.抑制MAP4K4表达可能促进精母细胞增殖并有利于精子细胞存活.本研究可为深入了解牛睾丸大小与生殖功能的关系提供参考.

Testis size is significantly related to semen quality and count in mammals,and male fertility can be predicted by testicular size in adulthood.In order to explore key candidate genes affecting bull fertility in differently testicular sizes,peripheral blood and testis of Blackette black cattle(Bos taurus)of 12 months old were collected and divided big testis and small testis groups according to testicular weight,long diameter and short diameter for hormone determination,histological study of testis and transcriptomic sequencing in this study.The differential expression multiplier value|log2(Fold change)|≥1 and P-value≤0.01 were used as the conditions for selecting the differentially expressed genes(DEGs)and were subjected to Gene Ontology(GO)and KEGG analysis.Clone,qPCR,Western blot and immunohistochemistry(IHC)methods were used to detect and locate for candidate gene.The results showed that there were more testicular leydig cells and the development of spermatogenic tubules was better in big group.The concentrations of testosterone and estradiol of reproductive hormones in big testis were significantly higher than those in small testis group(P<0.05).A total of 1 006 DEGs were obtained from the transcriptome results,297 genes were up-regulated and 709 genes were down-regulated in small testis.Functional analysis showed that the DEGs was enriched in cAMP and mitogen-activated protein kinase(MAPK)signaling pathways and played a role in reproduction and development;9 reproduction-related candidate genes were screened,such as dual specificity phosphatase 4(DUSP4),heat shock 70 kD protein 1-like(HSPA1L)and mitogen activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4(MAP4K4).Further study on MAP4K4 gene and protein showed that the expression of MAP4K4 in big testis was significantly lower than that in small testis(P<0.05).IHC found that MAP4K4 protein was highly expressed in sperm cells and spermatocytes and was mainly expressed in cytoplasm.Inhibition of MAP4K4 expression might promote spermatocyte proliferation and facilitate spermatoblast survival.This work provides reference for further understanding of the relationship between testis size and reproductive function in cattle.


青岛农业大学动物科技学院,青岛 266109||黑牛种业技术创新中心,青岛 266109黑牛种业技术创新中心,青岛 266109||山东兆福牧业科技有限公司,淄博 256306



CattleTesticular sizeReproductionTranscriptomeMitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase kinase 4(MAP4K4)

《农业生物技术学报》 2024 (008)

1821-1835 / 15


