

Internal logic,realistic dilemmas and policy concepts in promoting the development of agricultural industries in less developed regions



Promoting the development of the agricultural industry in underdeveloped regions has long been a focal point of economic and social advancement.It stands as a crucial avenue for rural industrial revitalization,pivotal in constructing a new developmental paradigm,narrowing regional disparities,and achieving shared prosperity.This study,rooted in the intrinsic rationale behind advancing agricultural industry in underdeveloped areas,meticulously dissects the current state of China's agricultural sector,drawing insights from diverse statistical datasets.The research reveals that despite the notable strides made in China's agricultural industry since the inception of rural revitalization strategies,underdeveloped regions grapple with persistent challenges.These include insufficient resilience against risks,industrial homogenization,suboptimal structural efficiency,and the absence of robust mechanisms for rural income augmentation.Hence,there is an urgent imperative to chart novel developmental trajectories.Grounded in a profound comprehension of agricultural industry dynamics in underdeveloped locales,this paper proffers developmental objectives for the present and forthcoming periods.These encompass bolstering the comprehensive production capacity of agriculture,fostering profound structural adjustments,and diversifying rural economic models.The overarching strategy entails elevating industrial prowess on the supply side,expanding market channels for agricultural products,and bolstering policy support at the institutional level.Critical endeavors comprise fortifying agricultural infrastructure,pioneering innovative financial investment and financing models,and advocating for the universalization of agricultural insurance coverage.


四川农业大学管理学院,四川 成都 611100农业农村部农村经济研究中心,北京 100810



agricultural industryunderdeveloped regionsindustrial revitalizationintrinsic rationaledevelopmental pathwayspromotion strategies

《农业现代化研究》 2024 (003)

345-354 / 10

国家社会科学基金项目(22BJY218). National Social Science Foundation of China(22BJY218).

