

Research on the international competitiveness of China's bee-keeping industry and its influencing factors:From the perspectives of both internal and external effects of the industry


天然蜂蜜是中国蜂产业生产、消费和出口环节的重要产品.本文基于2009-2021 年的UN Comtrade数据库中的天然蜂蜜贸易数据,运用国际市场份额、贸易竞争力指数、显示性比较优势指数以及进出口价格比等指标,全面评估了中国蜂产业的国际竞争力.此外,本文还从产业外部性的角度,对蜜蜂授粉产业的国际竞争力进行了评估.研究采用双重钻石模型理论框架,深入探讨了影响竞争力的内外部因素.结果显示,尽管中国蜂蜜在国际市场上占有较高份额,但面临质量和技术壁垒挑战,其显示性竞争优势有所减弱.相反,新西兰因高品质产品和强大的品牌力成为主要竞争国.中国的蜂产业依赖传统小规模生产,生产模式相对粗放,制约了生产效率和品质提升.研究还发现,蜂业与农业的协同发展是潜在的增长点,尤其是在蜜蜂授粉服务方面,中国展现出显著的国际竞争力.建议中国蜂产业通过科技创新、产业结构优化、品牌建设及人才培养等措施,提升其在全球市场的竞争力.

Natural honey plays a crucial role in the production,consumption,and export segments of China's bee-keeping industry.Based on a trade data of natural honey from the UN Comtrade database from 2009 to 2021,this paper applies metrics such as international market share,trade competitiveness index,revealed comparative advantage index,and import-export price ratios to thoroughly assess the international competitiveness of China's bee-keeping industry.Additionally,from an external perspective,it evaluates the international competitiveness of the bee pollination industry.Employing the Dual Diamond Model framework,the study further explores the internal and external factors influencing the competitiveness.Results indicate that despite China's significant market share in the international market,it faces challenges related to quality and technical barriers,which have weakened its revealed competitive advantage.New Zealand,with its high-quality products and strong brand presence,emerges as a major competitor.China's bee-keeping industry,largely relying on traditional small-scale production,is characterized by extensive production methods that limit the efficiency and quality improvements.The study also identifies that the symbiotic development of bee-keeping and agriculture represents a potential area for growth,particularly in bee pollination services,where China demonstrates significant international competitive strength.Therefore,this paper suggests that China's bee-keeping industry enhances its global competitiveness through technological innovation,industrial structure optimization,brand development,and talent cultivation.


北京师范大学环境学院,北京 100085中国农业科学院农业经济与发展研究所,北京 100081



natural honeybee industryinternational competitivenessinfluencing factorsdiamond model

《农业现代化研究》 2024 (003)

377-386 / 10

国家现代农业产业技术体系专项资金(CARS-44-KXJ18);北京师范大学博一学科交叉基金项目(BNUXKJC2116). China Agriculture Research System(CARS-44-KXJ18);Cross-disciplinary Fund Project of Beijing Normal University(BNUXKJC2116).

