

Changes in the Upper Arctic Ocean Heat Content Before and After the Rapid Decline of Arctic Sea Ice


北极海冰自1997年进入快速减退阶段,对北冰洋造成显著影响.本文利用数值模式结果,分析北冰洋1990-2014年期间的上层海洋(0~150 m)热含量长期变化趋势.研究发现,陆架区只有楚科奇海西部和巴伦支海的热含量有显著增加趋势,其他海域的变化较小.加拿大海盆上层热含量总体呈现上升状态,对北冰洋海盆区上层热含量增加趋势做出主要贡献,且主要取决于夏季太平洋水的热含量变化.随着海冰的减少,夏季太平洋水持续升温,但是其热含量并不是一直处于增加的状态.与北极海冰的快速减退相对应,夏季太平洋水热含量在1997年前后具有两段不同的长期变化特征:1990-1997年为减少趋势,主要归因于其体积减小,与这段时期北极涛动指数减小导致的波弗特流涡向下泵压上层太平洋入流水能力减弱有关;1998-2014年为快速增长趋势,其变化速率是前一段时期的2倍多,该时期的北极涛动指数虽然没有明显变化趋势,但是海冰的加速减少造成大气对海洋的直接强迫增加,波弗特流涡向下泵压的能力变强,使夏季太平洋水体积增大,在海水升温的共同作用下,促成了夏季太平洋水热含量的快速增加.

Arctic sea ice has been rapidly declining since 1997,which has a significant impact on the Arctic Ocean.Based on the numerical model results,the long-term trend of heat content in the upper ocean(0~150 m)of the Arctic Ocean during 1990 to 2014 is analyzed.The study found that only the western Chukchi Sea and the Barents Sea showed a significant increase trend in the continental shelf area,while the other sea areas showed a small change.The upper heat content of the Canada Basin was on the rise,which made a major contribution to the increasing trend of heat content of the Arctic Ocean basins,and mainly depended on the change of heat content of Pacific summer water.With the loss of sea ice,Pacific summer water continues to warm,but its heat content has not always increased.Corre-sponding to the rapid decline of Arctic sea ice,the Pacific summer water heat content showed two differ-ent long-term changes around 1997.From 1990 to 1997,the decrease trend was mainly attributed to the decrease of its volume,which was related to the weakened ability of Beaufort vortex to pump downward into the upper Pacific water due to the decrease of Arctic oscillation index during this period.From 1998 to 2014,there was a rapid growth trend,and its change rate was more than twice that of the previous period.Although there was no obvious change trend in the Arctic oscillation index during this period,the accelerated reduction of sea ice resulted in the increase of the direct forcing of the atmosphere on the ocean,and the strengthening of the downward pumping capacity of the Beaufort vortex,which increased the volume of Pacific summer water.Under the joint action of sea water warming,contributing to the rapid increase of heat content of the Pacific summer water.


中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东 青岛 266100中国海洋大学海洋与大气学院,山东 青岛 266100||中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100崂山实验室,山东 青岛 266237中国海洋大学物理海洋教育部重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100



heat contentPacific summer watersea iceCanada BasinArctic Ocean

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (008)

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国家自然科学基金项目(42176235);全球变化国家重大科学研究计划项目(2015CB953902)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42176235);the Global Change Key Science Research Program of Chi-na(2015CB953902)

