

Morphological and Phylogenetic Analysis of a New Species of Aggregata Infecting Cistopus taiwanicus


为探究感染台湾小孔蛸(Cistopus taiwanicus)消化道中常见的寄生虫-从集球虫属(Aggregata)种类,本研究在浙江南麂岛、福建东山、广东阳江和海南三亚周边海域采捕台湾小孔蛸,在其盲囊和肠组织内发现了丛集球虫新种,新种命名为疣丛集球虫(Aggregata verrucosa sp.nov.).采用光镜和电镜观察发现:疣丛集球虫的成熟卵囊为球形,有时不规则,长径范围936.96~1 563.31 μm,短径范围860.13~1 227.85 μm;孢子囊为球形或近球形,长径范围12.87~14.24 μm,短径范围12.39~13.70 μm.孢子囊壁为双层,外层光滑,内层具疣状突起.孢子囊内子孢子通常呈螺旋状,数目范围4~10个,子孢子长径范围12.81~16.01 μm,短径范围2.02~2.62 μm.利用18S rRNA基因构建的系统发育树显示该物种隶属于丛集球虫属,并高度支持了属内(中华丛集球虫A.sinensis+疣丛集球虫A.verrucosa)+A.octopiana+A.eberthi+多刺丛集球虫A.octaculeata的系统发生关系.本研究鉴定出的丛集球虫新种补充了丛集球虫属的生物学资料,同时本研究可为头足类疾病诊断和组织学病理研究提供参考.

To explore common parasites in the digestive tract of Cistopus taiwanicus(Mullusca:Octopodidae),particularly those of the Aggregata genus,a new species of parasitic Aggregata verrucosa sp.nov.was found and described in the caecum and intestinal of C.taiwanicus collected in the waters of Zhejiang,Fujian,Guangdong and Hainan.Using light and electron microscopes,it was found that the mature oocyst of A.verrucosa was spherical and sometimes irregular,with a long diameter ranging from 936.96 to 1 563.31 μm and a short diameter ranging from 860.13 to 1 227.85 μm.Mature sporocyst was spherical or slightly subovoid,with a long diameter ranging from 12.87 to 14.24 μm and a short diameter ranging from 12.39 to 13.70 μm.The wall of sporocyst was doublelayered,with a smooth outer layer and a warty inner layer.Each sporocyst contained 4~10 sporozoites.Sporozoites were usually spiral,with a long diameter varying between 12.81 and 16.01 μm and a short diameter varying between 2.02 and 2.62 μm.Molecular phylogenetic tree constructed based on 18S rRNA gene further confirmed that the isolated belonged to the genus Aggregata.The tree highly supported also the phylogenic relationship of the species within the genus,A.sinensis merged first with A.verrucose and then with A.octopiana,A.eberthi and A.octaculeata.


海水养殖教育部重点实验室(中国海洋大学),山东 青岛 266003||中国海洋大学海洋生物多样性与进化研究所,山东 青岛 266003


疣丛集球虫新种台湾小孔蛸形态学18S rRNA基因

Aggregata verrucosa sp.nov.new speciesCistopus taiwanicusmorphology18S rRNA gene

《中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (008)

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国家自然科学基金项目(32170536)资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(32170536)

