首页|期刊导航|科技创新与应用|基于NX MCD的TWS蓝牙耳机充电仓磁铁装配自动线数字孪生体开发设计

基于NX MCD的TWS蓝牙耳机充电仓磁铁装配自动线数字孪生体开发设计OA


基于NX MCD的TWS蓝牙耳机充电仓磁铁装配自动线数字孪生体设计项目,针对当前TWS蓝牙耳机市场的需求,开展基于NX MCD的TWS蓝牙耳机充电盒装配自动线数字孪生体设计研究,利用西门子数字孪生软件NX MCD(机电一体化概念设计软件)、TIA(PLC编程软件)、PLCsim Advanced(PLC高级仿真软件)完成TWS蓝牙耳机充电盒装配自动线数字孪生体机械模型的设计、PLC程序设计,并进行TWS蓝牙耳机充电盒装配线设备开发的技术创新、优化和验证控制方案,研究和设计具有安装容易、柔性化优等优点的装配线,并总结其特点,将此解决方案应用至其他各类异形插件生产线的开发生产中,服务 3C数码企业生产,促进企业的数字化节能、创新、转型和发展.

The project for the design of a digital twin for an automatic assembly line for TWS Bluetooth earbud charging cases based on NX MCD addresses the current market demand for TWS Bluetooth earbuds.Research on the digital twin design for the automatic assembly line of TWS Bluetooth earbud charging cases has been carried out using Siemens'digital twin software NX MCD(Mechatronics Concept Designer),TIA(PLC programming software),and PLCsim Advanced(advanced PLC simulation software).This has led to the creation of the digital twin mechanical model for the TWS Bluetooth earbud charging case assembly line,the design of the PLC program,and the technical innovation,optimization,and verification of control schemes for the development of assembly line equipment for TWS Bluetooth earbud charging cases.The research and design focused on assembly lines that are easy to install and flexible,summarizing their characteristics.This solution is applied to the development and production of other types of irregularly-shaped plug-in production lines,serving the production of 3C digital enterprises,and promoting the digital,energy-saving,innovative transformation and development of enterprises.


中山市中等专业学校,广东 中山 528400


数字孪生蓝牙耳机自动线NX MCDPLC

digital twinBluetooth headsetautomatic lineNX MCDPLC

《科技创新与应用》 2024 (022)

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