


以我国民航客机中最为常见的机型波音 737-800 型客机为例,参考美国联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administra-tion,FAA)的相关实验,通过仿真软件PyroSim对飞机在停靠过程中发生货舱火灾进行数值模拟,共分析不同装载率的货物燃烧、货舱门关闭、有风和存在危险的易燃易爆物品 4 种情况,得到货舱火灾的热释放速率和温度随时间变化情况.仿真结果符合实际,与相关实验数据相吻合,并对结果进行分析,提出一些关于飞机防火的建议,为机场消防站的布局和训练灭火、火灾报警器的设计等提供参考.

Taking Boeing 737-800,the most common type of civil airliner in China,as an example,with reference to the relevant experiments of the Federal Aviation Administration(FAA)of the United States,the cargo hold fire during parking is numerically simulated by the simulation software PyroSim,and four conditions of cargo combustion,cargo door closure,wind and dangerous flammable and explosive materials with different loading rates are analyzed.The heat release rate and temperature of cargo hold fire with time are obtained.The simulation results are consistent with the reality and consistent with the relevant experimental data,and the results are analyzed,and some suggestions about aircraft fire prevention are put forward,which provides a reference for the layout and training of airport fire stations and the design of fire alarms.


中国民航大学 航空工程学院,天津 300300


PyroSimBoeing 737-800aircraft cargo hold firefire simulationheat release rate

《科技创新与应用》 2024 (023)

59-65 / 7

