

Comparative Analysis of Raindrop Size Distribution Characteristics Between Island and Inland Stations over South China Coastline During Summer Monsoon Season



To improve precipitation estimation and forecasting,it is important to have a thorough understanding of the regional variability of raindrop size distribution(DSD)characteristics.This study aims to investigate the differences in DSDs between island and inland areas along the South China coastline,using observations from four disdrometers.The results of the study reveal that convective precipitation is the main contributor to summer rainfall in South China,with regional variations in DSD.The eastern stations(Shangchuan Island and Yangjiang)exhibit a higher concentration of large raindrops and a lower concentration of small raindrops compared to the western stations(Weizhou Island and Fangchenggang),which have more small raindrops.Additionally,the inland stations have a higher number of large raindrops(with a diameter greater than 3mm)compared to the island stations.The study also discusses the differences in environmental conditions that contribute to these variations.It is found that the warm cloud depth at the eastern(inland)stations is thicker than at the western(island)stations,indicating a longer pathway for raindrops to fall towards the ground and an enhanced collisional-coalescence process for raindrop growth.Furthermore,the shape-slope(μ-L)and radar reflectivity-rain rate(Z-R)relationships for the four stations also exhibit differences.Overall,this study provides a more comprehensive understanding of the regional variability of precipitation microphysics in South China.


西昌卫星发射中心,四川 西昌 615000西昌卫星发射中心,四川 西昌 615000||北京大学物理学院大气与海洋科学系,北京 100871



precipitation microphysicsraindrop size distributionSouth ChinaislandZ-Rrelationship

《热带气象学报》 2024 (003)

456-467 / 12


