

Growth and Optical Properties of Large Size CsCu2I3 Single Crystal by Solution Method


近年来,铜基钙钛矿因其出色的稳定性和环境友好性在发光和闪烁等领域受到了广泛关注.然而,目前对CsCu2I3晶体材料的研究主要集中在0维和1维领域,这限制了人们对材料本征性质和各向异性的深入理解,也限制了其在闪烁体中的实际应用.本文通过溶液降温法开展了 CsCu2I3体块单晶的生长工艺研究,成功得到了长度达5 mm的高质量CsCu2I3单晶,该晶体无色透明、棱角分明、显露面完整.XRD测试结果表明,CsCu2I3晶体在经过6个月后依然保持了良好的稳定性;吸收光谱显示该晶体在310 nm波段具有明显的吸收峰,计算得到其禁带宽度为3.42 eV,表明CsCu2I3晶体属于宽禁带半导体;发射光谱显示该晶体发射波长位于580 nm处,半峰全宽为75 nm,绘制CIE色度图得到其发光色度坐标为(0.47,0.50),位于黄光区域,属于暖白色调(色温3 000 K),这与该晶体在紫外灯照射下发出黄色荧光的现象一致;CsCu2I3晶体的荧光寿命测得为51.6和215.5 ns.

In recent years,copper-based perovskite has attracted widespread attention in the field of light emission and scintillation due to its excellent stability and environmental friendliness.However,most researches were focused on the OD and 1D CsCu2 I3 crystals,which limit the understanding for the intrinsic properties and anisotropy,as well as the practical application in scintillators.In this paper,a high-quality CsCu2I3 crystal with length of 5 mm was successfully grown by the solution cooling method.The crystal presents a transparent colorless appearance,with distinct edges and exposed facets.XRD results indicate that the CsCu2I3 crystal maintains good stability even after 6 months.The absorption spectrum shows an absorption peak of CsCu2I3 crystal at 310 nm.The band gap width is calculated to be 3.42 eV,indicating that the CsCu2I3 crystal is a wide-bandgap semiconductor.The emission wavelength of CsCu2I3 crystal is located at 580 nm,with full width at half maximum(FWHM)of 75 nm.The luminous chromaticity of the CsCu2I3 crystal falls at coordinates(0.47,0.50)in the yellow region on the CIE chromaticity diagram,belonging to a warm white tone with color temperature of 3 000 K.It is consistent with its yellow emission of the CsCu2I3 crystal under the ultraviolet lamp.The fluorescence lifetime of the CsCu2I3 crystal is measured to be 51.6 and 215.5 ns.


山东理工大学材料科学与工程学院,淄博 255049


CsCu2I3crystal growthsolution methodbulk single crystaloptical property

《人工晶体学报》 2024 (007)

1121-1126 / 6

