

Modelization and Resolution of Real-time Ride-sharing Problem with Sustainable Development



Vehicle sharing can allocate idle transportation resources,improve economic efficiency,create environmental advantages and so-cial welfare.A sustainable development operation model is constructed to address the issue of real-time carpooling,introducing a dual mode of dedicated and ride hailing,and considering the triple bottom line of sustainability,which includes important indicators such as economic ben-efits,environmental pollution,and social responsibility.A multi-mode real-time vehicle carpooling matching method based on sustainable de-velopment is proposed.Based on the comprehensive consideration of the triple bottom line principle,a routing dictionary mechanism is adopt-ed to generate the optimal route between private car owners and passengers,select the optimal carpooling combination,and use the non domi-nated sorting genetic algorithm NSGA-III to obtain the optimal solution for the proposed multi-objective model.The experimental results show that when only maximizing economic goals,the average deterioration of environmental indicators is about 32.7%,and the average decrease of social indicators is about 9.8%;However,sacrificing only a small amount of economic indicators can achieve a significant improvement in en-vironmental and social indicators.Therefore,environmental and social indicators should be included in the target decision values.Ignoring them and only optimizing profits will lead to an increase in carbon footprint and a deterioration in social responsibility.Exploring the correla-tion between economic benefits,environmental pollution,and social responsibility,as well as the changing trends under different influencing factors,can provide useful references for decision-makers of vehicle sharing platforms.


辽宁工程技术大学 软件学院,辽宁 葫芦岛 125105浙江科技学院 理学院/大数据学院,浙江 杭州 310023



urban transportationride-sharing matchingsustainable developmentgenetic algorithmPareto frontier

《软件导刊》 2024 (007)

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