

The Polarization of Chinese Household Wealth Distribution:Measurement and Analysis Based on Relative Distribution Method


基于CFPS 2010-2020 年的调查数据,借助相对分布法分析我国家庭财富极化的变动趋势,并借助分位数回归和Oaxaca-Blinder分解分析了财富分布结构变化的内在成因.结果表明,考察期内我国家庭财富极化存在扩大的趋势,且财富的极化主要是从中等水平转向下尾部,存在严重的下层极化.分阶段的分析发现,财富的极化以2010-2018 年为主,2018 年以后财富分布的极化现象明显减弱.根据财富极化微观成因的分解发现,低财富群体禀赋结构的改善能够有效抑制下层极化,而上层极化的缓解主要来源于系数效应的作用.2018 年以来,家庭收入的提高、农村人口减少以及人口受教育水平的普遍提高都减弱了财富向下极化的趋势,财富的城乡差距和教育回报抑制了财富的向上极化.从城乡内部的分解发现,教育回报对财富极化的作用在农村家庭并不显著,健康水平则是影响农村财富极化的重要因素.研究的政策启示在于财富调整政策应该关注到中产家庭的脆弱性,增加中低财富家庭的财富积累途径,促进中产阶级的壮大和稳固;抑制财富向下极化的趋势应该强调低财富群体禀赋结构的优化,而减弱上层极化应该注重对财富差距和财富回报的调节.

Based on CFPS data from 2010 to 2020,this paper analyzes the changing trend of household wealth polarization by the recently-extended relative distribution method;meanwhile,it analyzes the internal causes of the change of wealth distribution by the quantile regression and Oaxaca-Blinder decomposition method.The results show that the polarization of household wealth in China has an expanding trend,where the polarization of wealth is mainly from the middle level to the lower end,being a serious polarization of the lower level.The phased analysis found that the polarization of wealth was mainly from 2010 to 2018,where the polarization of wealth significantly weakened after 2018.The analysis of micro causes of wealth polarization shows that the improvement of endowment structure of low wealth groups can effectively suppress the lower polarization,while the alleviation of upper polarization mainly comes from the effect of coefficient effect.Since 2018,rising household incomes,a declining rural population,and a general increase in the level of education of the population have weakened the downward polarization of wealth,while the rural-urban wealth gap and returns to education have suppressed the upward polarization of wealth.The decomposition within urban and rural areas reveals that the educational returns is not significant in rural households,while health is an important factor of rural wealth polarization.The policy implication of this paper is that wealth adjustment policies should pay attention to the vulnerability of middle-class families,increase wealth accumulation channels for low-and middle-income families,and promote the growth and stability of the middle class.To restrain the downward polarization of wealth,we should emphasize the optimization of endowment structure of low-wealth groups,while reducing upper polarization should focus on regulating wealth disparities and returns.


太原师范学院 经济与管理学院,山西 晋中 030619山西财经大学 统计学院,山西 太原 030006



wealth polarizationrelative distributionstructural changefactor decomposition

《人口与经济》 2024 (004)

70-83 / 14


