

Experimental analysis of ultra-high pressure water jet cutting and fracturing combined technology


对比水力开缝与水力压裂卸压增透技术的优劣,提出水力割缝与水力压裂技术联合应用,以达到卸压增透煤层的方法.分析联合卸压增透技术的原理和方法,并实地进行测试.试验结果表明,穿层钻孔实施后采用割压联合卸压增透技术,透气性增透范围沿煤层走向可达55.4~57.1 m,沿煤层倾向可达52.3~58.6 m;煤层透气性系数比原有煤体高26倍,煤层透气性显著改善;穿层钻孔瓦斯平均抽采浓度34.9%,抽采平稳,明显高于一般抽采钻孔;瓦斯抽采纯量平均0.037 5 m3/min,比一般钻孔高3.47倍;用同样的钻孔布置方式,可减少55%的抽采达标时间和31.8%的总时间投入,从而为割压联合卸压增透技术的应用提供理论依据.

This article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic cutting and hydraulic fracturing pressure re-lief and permeability enhancement technology,and proposes the combined use of hydraulic cutting and hydraulic fracturing technology for pressure relief and permeability enhancement in coal seams.The principle and process technology of com-bined pressure relief and permeability enhancement are analyzed,and on-site experiments are conducted.The results show that using cutting and pressure combined pressure relief and permeability enhancement technology for interlayer drilling can increase the permeability range along the coal seam direction to 55.4~57.1 m,and along the coal seam inclined direction to 52.3~58.6 m;The permeability coefficient of the coal seam is 26 times that of the original coal body,and the permeabil-ity of the coal seam has significantly improved;The average concentration of gas extraction in cross layer boreholes is 34.9%,and the extraction concentration is stable,significantly higher than that in ordinary extraction boreholes;The average pure gas extraction volume is 0.037 5 m3/min,which is 3.47 times that of ordinary boreholes.Under the same drilling ar-rangement,the time for achieving the extraction standard can be reduced by 55%,and the total time investment can be re-duced by 31.8%.This provides a basis for application of cutting and fracturing combined pressure relief and permeability enhancement technology.


中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司瓦斯研究分院,重庆 400037||中煤科工集团重庆研究院有限公司煤矿灾害防控全国重点实验室,重庆 400037



hydraulic slottinghydraulic fracturingcutting and fracturing combinationpressure relief and permeability en-hancement

《陕西煤炭》 2024 (007)

20-23,37 / 5

