

Microscopic mechanism of the effect of coal on CH4 and CO2 adsorption under different water-bearing conditions


为了明确水对煤吸附CH4和CO2的影响,采用巨正则系统Monte Carlo方法模拟不同含水率条件下煤对CH4和CO2的吸附行为.结果表明,CH4和CO2在煤分子中的吸附量与含水率呈负相关关系.CH4和CO2的平均吸附热与含水率呈先减小后增大的关系,且H2O对CO2的影响强于CH4.随着水分的增加,吸附能绝对值整体增大,水团簇的高电位更倾向于吸引CO2分子.CH4和CO2的整体吸附熵与含水率呈负相关.对比不同含水率下吸附熵拟合曲线的斜率可知,在3%含水率下,CO2主要置换孔隙中的CH4分子.

To further clarify the impact of water on coal adsorption of CH4 and CO2,the Monte Carlo method was used to simulate the adsorption behavior of coal on CH4 and CO2 under different water-bearing content conditions.The results show that the adsorption capacity of CH4 and CO2 in coal molecules is negatively correlated with water-bearing content.The aver-age adsorption heat and water-bearing content of CH4 and CO2 first decreases and then increases,and the effect of H2O on CO2 is stronger than that on CH4.As the water content increases,the absolute value of the adsorption energy increases over-all,and the high potential of water clusters is more inclined to attract CO2 molecules.The overall adsorption entropy of CH4 and CO2 is negatively correlated with water-bearing content.By comparing the slope of the fitted curve of adsorption entropy at different water-bearing contents,it can be seen that at the water-bearing content of 3%,CO2 mainly displaces CH4 mole-cules in the pores.


陕西麟北煤业开发有限责任公司,陕西宝鸡 721505



Monte carlomolecular dynamicswater-bearing contentadsorptionadsorption entropy

《陕西煤炭》 2024 (007)

49-52,62 / 5

