

Mining technology without coal pillars for roof cutting and pressure relief in gob-side entry retaining


为缓解晋邦德煤矿采掘接替紧张的问题,消除区段煤柱应力集中,提高煤炭采出率,保持巷道的稳定性,以10404回风巷为研究对象,通过理论分析、数值模拟、现场测试等方法,对综放工作面沿空巷道的顶板结构特征、顶板切顶参数、围岩控制技术与配套设备、沿空巷道的矿压显现规律等进行深入研究,形成一套适合综放工作面的切顶留巷技术.通过矿压监测结果分析可知,在滞后工作面80 m距离时,由于采空区一侧的顶板随回采的进行逐渐被切落、充填和挤压,巷道的围岩变形逐渐变得稳定,证明取得了良好的留巷效果,保证下一工作面综放开采的顺利开展.

In order to alleviate the tension of mining and replacement in Jinbangde Mine,eliminate the stress concentration of coal pillars in the section,improve coal extraction rate,and maintain the stability of the roadway,this article takes 10404 return air roadway as the experimental object.Through theoretical analysis,numerical simulation,on-site testing,and other methods,the roof structural characteristics,roof cutting parameters,surrounding rock control technology and supporting e-quipment of the goaf roadway in the fully mechanized caving working face are studied,and the behavior law of mine pressure in the retained entry along the goaf is probed,forming a set of roof cutting and retaining roadway technology suitable for the fully mechanized top coal caving working face.Through on-site testing,when the distance behind the working face is 80 m,due to the gradual cutting,filling,and compression of the roof on one side of the goaf with the progress of mining,the de-formation of the surrounding rock of the roadway gradually becomes stable,thus achieving good retaining roadway effect and ensuring the smooth development of the next fully mechanized top coal caving mining face.


山西吕梁离石西山晋邦德煤业有限公司,山西吕梁 033000



roof cutting and pressure reliefmining without coal pillargob-side entry retainingmine pressure behaviorsur-rounding rock reinforcement

《陕西煤炭》 2024 (008)

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