

High stress hard roof deep-hole blasting pressure relief and"square"effect



Under the conditions of hard roof,the working face is mined to the goaf to form a"square",which is easy to cause the structural instability of the overlying strata and induce rock burst.Deep-hole blasting in roof is an important means to prevent rock burst.However,there is currently insufficient research on the impact of deep-hole blasting on pressure relief in the"square"areas.This study takes the hard roof of N2107 working face in Yuwu Coal Mine as the engineering back-ground,and develops the deep-hole blasting technology for the roof.It adopts microseismic monitoring,drilling stress and drilling debris monitoring to evaluate the pressure relief effect of two goaf"square"periods.The results show that roof deep-hole blasting plays a positive role in preventing rock burst.During the two goaf"square"periods,there are no large energy events in the microseismic monitoring,and the drilling stress monitoring and drilling debris monitoring are stable within the safe range.The goaf"square"shows the pressure manifestation characteristics of the"square"effect.The energy of micro-seismic events in local areas approach the warning value,and the drilling stress maintaining an upward trend.We propose optimization suggestions for pressure relief in the goaf"square"to ensure timely access to dynamic pressure information and improve pressure relief effect.


山西潞安化工集团余吾煤业有限公司,山西长治 046013河南理工大学土木工程学院,河南焦作 454003



high stresshard roofdeep hole blasting"square"effectmicroseismic eventpressure relief effect

《陕西煤炭》 2024 (008)

62-66,77 / 6


