

Deformation mechanism and control technology of shallow-buried coal seam roadway surrounding rock side


陕北矿业有限公司韩家湾煤矿井下浅埋煤层214201工作面皮带顺槽在开采过程中,采用"110工法"进行沿空留巷,巷道帮部围岩变形严重,已影响了工作面的安全高效生产.本文通过分析214201工作面皮带顺槽帮部围岩变形原因,采用钻孔窥视、数值模拟等手段,分析回采巷道围岩变形机理.研究结果表明,工作面推采过程中应力影响区内帮部1.25 m内裂隙发育,顶板锚索初锚力不合格率高、施工工艺差,导致顶板压力传递至帮部使帮部岩体拉伸破坏.通过加强帮部支护强度,优化锚网索支护参数,提高锚杆(索)施工质量等手段,从而控制巷道帮部变形.该技术能保证回采巷道在巷道服务期内不返修,为工作面的安全高效回采提供了必要的基础条件,具有一定的经济与社会效益.

In the process of coal seam mining with the"110 method"in the shallow-buried coal seams'214201 working face of the Hanjiawan Coal Mine,Shaanxi Shanbei Mining Co.,Ltd.,serious deformation of the surrounding rock side in the entry along the goaf has occurred,significantly impacting the safe and efficient production of the working face.We analyze the causes of the deformation of the surrounding rock side in the entry along the goaf in the 214201 working face belt haul-age process.Through methods such as borehole peeping,numerical simulation,etc,the deformation mechanism of the sur-rounding rock in the mining entry is analyzed.The research results indicate that during the advancing process of the working face,fractures develop within 1.25 m of the side in the stress-influenced zone,with a high initial anchoring failure rate of the roof anchor cables due to poor construction processes,leading to the transfer of roof pressure to the side,resulting in ten-sile failure of the rock mass.By strengthening the support strength of the side,optimizing parameters for mesh and cable sup-port,and improving the construction quality of anchor rods(cables),the deformation of the entry side can be controlled.This technology ensures that the mining entry does not require rework during its service life,providing necessary conditions for the safe and efficient mining of the working face.It is of significant economic and social benefits.


陕西陕北矿业韩家湾煤炭有限公司,陕西榆林 719315



shallow-buried coal seamgob-side entry retainingroadway deformationborehole peepingside support

《陕西煤炭》 2024 (008)

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