

Analysis of coal accumulation characteristics during the two major coal forming periods in Tongchuan area


铜川地区位于陕西省中部,地质区域为鄂尔多斯盆地南缘.为进一步推进地区煤炭资源的高效利用和地质技术对矿井的安全保障,对该地区两大成煤时期的聚煤特征及构造特征进行研究.通过分析主要含煤地层的特征和聚煤规律,发现铜川地区在石炭-二叠纪时代形成了 2号、3号、4号、5号、6号、10号、11号等多层煤,其中5号、10号煤层大面积可采;在侏罗纪沉积了 1号、2号、3号、4号煤层,其中4号煤层大面积可采.分析认为,铜川矿区两次煤层的赋存均与盆地基底有着密切的关系,早期在盆地的东部沉积的石炭-二叠系煤层,经过漫长的三叠纪时代后,铜川地区的西部依然是盆地环境,又沉积了侏罗系的煤层.

Tongchuan area is located in the central part of Shaanxi Province with a geological area on the southern edge of the Ordos Basin.In order to promote the high efficient utilization of coal resource and strengthen the role of geological tech-nology in safety,the coal accumulation characteristics and structure in the two major coal forming periods are studied.Through analysis of the characteristics and coal accumulation law of major coal-bearing strata,the author has concluded that coal seams of No.2,3,4,5,6,10 and 11 were formed in Carboniferous Permian,while No.5 and 10 are available for large-area mining;the sedimentary of No.1,2,3 and 4 coal seams was occurred in Jurassic period,while No.4 coal seam is suit-able for large-area mining.It is believed that the occurrence of the two coal seams is closely related to the basin basement.The early Carboniferous Permian coal seams deposited in the eastern part of the basin,after a long Triassic period,the west-ern part of Tongchuan area was still a basin environment with the sedimentary of Jurassic coal seams.


陕西天地地质有限责任公司,陕西西安 710054



Tongchuan mining areaOrdos basin southern edgecoal accumulation lawsedimentary stratacoal-bearing strata

《陕西煤炭》 2024 (008)

99-102,145 / 5

