

Finite Element Analysis of Floor Reconstruction and Reinforcement of a Hydropower Station Based on ABAQUS


粘贴钢板加固技术因其施工快速、加固效果好、适应性强、经济效益高等优势,在水利、电力等行业内的结构改造和加固补强等方面被广泛应用.基于有限元分析,针对某水电站厂房楼板局部开挖后所采用的粘贴钢板加固措施进行探讨,结果表明,楼板开挖后,开挖孔洞周边出现明显应力集中现象,孔洞交界处应力最大值增大了 57.89%;粘刚加固措施显著提升了楼板结构的稳定性,相较于未加固情况下,楼板最大变形降低幅度可达50%,对于该水电站的楼板改建计划提供了安全保障,亦可为后续相关工程建设起到一定借鉴意义.

Because of its advantages of fast construction,good reinforcement effect,strong adaptability and high economic benefits,adhesive steel plate reinforcement technology has been widely used in structural transformation and reinforcement in water conservancy,electric power and other industries.Based on the finite element analysis,the paper discusses the reinforcement measures adopted by the steel plate after the partial excavation of the floor of a hydropower station.The results show that there is obvious stress concentration around the hole after the excavation,and the maximum stress at the junction of the hole increases by 57.89%.The reinforcement measures significantly improve the stability of the floor structure,and the maximum deformation of the floor can be reduced by 50%compared with the condition without reinforcement,which provides a safety guarantee for the floor reconstruction plan of the hydropower station,and also plays a certain reference for the subsequent construction of related projects.


中国电建集团西北勘测设计研究院有限公司,陕西西安 710065西安理工大学省部共建西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710048



Adhesive reinforcementdisplacement and deformationstress distributionABAQUS

《陕西水利》 2024 (007)

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