

Quantification and comparation of wetlands water conservation and regulation function in the Hei and Bai River Basins


[目的]位于若尔盖高原的黑河和白河同属黄河上游一级支流,在高寒湿地水文对比研究方面颇具代表性.[方法]按水量平衡原理,采用SWAT模型对黑河和白河流域山地系统出流进行模拟,以此作为平原区湿地的横向补给量;结合降水和蒸散发等垂向水文动态,就两河流域湿地水文过程进行分析;再根据湿地土壤水文物理属性估算其静储量;上述动、静储量相结合,就两河流域湿地水文蓄调的年际变化及其功能进行综合研究.[结果]结果显示:2001-2015 年间,黑河流域湿地蓄水累计增持19.48 亿m3;白河流域湿地蓄水累计减持 23.08 亿m3;黑白河流域湿地静储量分别为20.06 亿m3 和4.59 亿m3,泥炭沼泽土静储量最大,永冻土静储量最小;统计期间,湿地蓄调功能指数在黑、白河流域均呈降低趋势,黑河湿地的指数降幅高于白河.[结论]结果表明:SWAT模型在黑、白河流域的适用性良好;研究时段内,黑河流域湿地蓄水总体呈增加状态,白河流域湿地蓄水总体呈减少状态;湿地土壤类型和面积大小是影响静储量的关键因素;黑、白河流域湿地蓄持功能总体发生蜕减.研究可为高寒湿地水文蓄调能力提升暨湿地保护提供方法和数据参考.

[Objective]The Hei River and the Bai River,both belong to the first level tributaries of the upper Yellow River in the Zoige Plateau,are representative in comparative studies of alpine wetland hydrology.[Methods]Based on the water balance method,the SWAT model was used to simulate the mountainous discharge as the horizontal recharge to wetlands in the plain area of the two river basins.Combined with the vertical hydrological analysis of local precipitation and evaporation,dynamics of the alpine wetlands water storage was quantified.By coupling with the wetlands static water storage calculated according to the soil hydro-physical properties,the inter-annual variation of water conservation and regulation functions were estimated.[Results]During the time period from 2001 to 2015,wetland water storage in the Hei River Basin(HRB)increased with a cumulative volume of 19.48×108 m3;while that in the Bai River Basin(BRB)reduced with a cumulative volume of 23.08×108 m3.Capaci-ties of wetland static water storage was calculated with volumes of 20.06×108 m3 and 4.59×108 m3 in the HRB and the BRB,respectively.Water storage capacity of the peat swamp soil was found the largest,while that of the permafrost soil,the smallest.During the statistic time period,wetland water conservation index showed a decreasing trend in the two basins,while the ampli-tude in the HRB presented with more remarkable.[Conclusion]The result show that the SWAT model was evidenced with a sat-isfactory precision in mountainous discharge simulations in the HRB and the BRB.During the statistic time period,wetland water storage in the HRB increased while that in the BRB reduced.Soil types of the wetland,together with its size in area,are key fac-tors influencing capacities of static water storage.Wetland water conservation and regulation function declined in the HRB and BRB.The study could provide data and method support for the water conservation and regulation function's maintaining of the alpine wetlands.


兰州大学 资源环境学院,甘肃 兰州 730000||兰州大学 西部环境教育部重点实验室,甘肃 兰州 730000甘肃省城乡规划设计研究院,甘肃 兰州 730000



wetlandswater conservation and regulationwater balanceSWAT modelHei and Bai River Basinstemporal and spatial changesrunoffgroundwater

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (006)

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