

Applicability of meteorological drought index and spatiotemporal characteristics of drought in Jilin Province


[目的]吉林省是我国主要的粮食主产区,明确该地区干旱时空特征对于保障粮食生产安全具有重要意义,而适宜的气象干旱指标是准确识别旱情发展的前提.[方法]研究基于吉林省 55 个气象站点1960-2020 年逐月降水和气温数据,计算标准化降水指数(SPI)、降水距平百分率(PA)、标准化蒸散指数(SPEI)和相对湿润度指数(MI)3 和 12 个月结果.构建指标适用性识别方法,实现4 种气象干旱指数季节尺度监测结果与旱灾记录定量化精准识别分析,并基于最适宜指数分析研究全省年代际、年际和季节的干旱演变特征.[结果]研究结果表明:(1)4 种指数监测准确率由高到低分别为SPI(71.15%)、PA(66.67%)、SPEI(66.03%)和MI(55.77%).(2)年代际尺度,1980 s前吉林省易旱地区主要集中在东部地区吉林市和延边州,干旱频率均高于40%;1980 s后,高值区域转移到吉林省西部白城和松原市,干旱频率均高于 20%.(3)年尺度、春、秋和冬季均呈显著湿润化趋势,干旱强度倾向率分别为-1.761%/10 a、-0.124%/10 a、-0.068%/10 a 和-0.054%/10 a.[结论]SPI指数是4 种指标中最适用于吉林省的指数,全省易旱地区从东南地区转移到西北地区,且中西部地区是干旱高发区.研究结果可为全省旱情监测、农业生产及旱灾防御指挥决策等工作提供参考借鉴.

[Objective]Jilin Province is the main grain-producing area in China,and it is important to clarify the spatial and tem-poral characteristics of drought in the region to ensure the safety of grain production,while suitable meteorological drought indica-tors are a prerequisite for accurate identification of drought development.[Methods]This study calculates the standardized pre-cipitation index(SPI),percent precipitation distance level(PA),standardized evapotran SPIration index(SPEI)and relative wetness index(MI)3 and 12-month result,based on the monthly precipitation and temperature data of 55 meteorological stations in Jilin Province from 1960 to 2020.The seasonal scale s PAtial result of the four meteorological drought indices are com PAred with the historical drought records based on the constructed index applicability identification method.The optimum index is iden-tified quantitatively and precisely,and the interdecadal,interannual and seasonal drought evolution characteristics of the province are analyzed.[Results]The result of the study show that:(1)The four indices are monitored with the highest to lowest accuracy of SPI(71.15%),PA(66.67%),SPEI(66.03%),and MI(55.77%).(2)On an interdecadal scale,the drought-prone areas in Jilin Province before 1980 s are mainly concentrated in Jilin City and Yanbian Prefecture in the eastern region,both with drought frequencies higher than 40%;after 1980 s,the high value areas shift to Baicheng and Songyuan City in western Jilin Province,both with drought frequencies higher than 20%.(3)The annual scale,spring,autumn and winter all show significant wetting trends,with drought intensity tendency rates of-1.761%/10 a,-0.124%/10 a,-0.068%/10 a and-0.054%/10 a,respectively.[Conclusion]The SPI index is the most applicable index among the four indicators to Jilin Province,where the drought-prone areas of the province shift from the southeast to the northwest,and the central and western regions are drought-prone areas.The result of the study can provide reference for drought monitoring,agricultural production and drought defense command decision making in the province.


中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038||水利部防洪抗旱减灾工程技术研究中心,北京 100038中国水利水电科学研究院,北京 100038||水利部防洪抗旱减灾工程技术研究中心,北京 100038||中国地质大学(北京),北京 100083



meteorological droughtdrought indicesindicator applicabilitydrought monitoringJilin Provinceclimate change

《水利水电技术(中英文)》 2024 (006)

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