

Research on capacity computation of cascade on-stream integral pumped storage hydropower plants Ⅰ:short-term peak shaving and gain of cascade development



On-stream integral pumped storage hydropower(PSH)building upon conventional cascade hydropower stations becomes an important way to prompt peak regulation capacity of power system.The energy storage power sta-tion adds the flexibility of the hydropower base by its pumping and generating operation,and changes the operation mode of original cascade hydropower stations,so it is urgent to disclose the operation rule of PSH and its impact on the cascade hydropower stations.In this study,two planned PSH stations,Longyangxia-Laxiwa and Laxiwa-Nina,located in the upper Yellow River Basin are taken as examples.An optimal short-term peak shaving model of PSH stations and cascade hydropower stations is constructed to analyze the impact of PSH operation on hydropower sta-tions,and disclose the critical phenomenon of peak shaving of PSH operation through theoretical analysis method and numerical method.The main conclusions are as follows:(ⅰ)The stored energy by the PSH station is converted into the hydropower by the hydropower station units which increases the power of hydropower station and induces the de-crease of the up-spinning reserve;(ⅱ)The lower full traffic of Longyangxia hydropower station,the less regulating storage of Laxiwa reservoir and the larger water quantity for multipurpose water supply are the key factors in decrea-sing the peak shaving effect of PSH station.The critical point of water supply flow for multipurpose use is disclosed and related formula is derived;(ⅲ)The phenomenon of cascade pumping peak shaving gain embedded in cascade PSH stations development mode in comparison with the single development mode is found and quantified,revealing the inherent principle of river function regenerating inversely in succession under cascade PSH stations development mode.


西安理工大学西北旱区生态水利国家重点实验室,陕西西安 710048国家电网公司西北分部,陕西西安 710049



cascade on-stream integral pumped storage hydropower plantscritical feature of peak shavinggain in cascade pumped storage hydropower plants developmentYellow River Basin

《水利学报》 2024 (007)

768-779 / 12


