

Potential prediction and storage area selection of CO2 geological storage in deep saline aquifers in Ningxia region


宁夏局部地区高碳排放源集中且碳排量巨大,亟需开展碳封存潜力评价等工作,以支撑未来碳捕集、利用与封存规划与重大示范.文章在宁夏地区碳封存基本地质条件的基础上,采用美国能源部(US-DOE)体积法,评估宁夏地区深部咸水层CO2封存预测地质潜力约867.421×108t,预测技术容量约423.34×108 t,主力储层主要集中分布在宁夏东部盐池地区和六盘山盆地.综合封存潜力、盖层封闭性、地质体稳定性、社会环境风险等因素,开展了宁夏地区咸水层封存适宜性初步评价,结果表明:宁夏东部盐池地区储盖层条件良好、构造较稳定、人口密度低,是宁夏地区开展咸水层CO2封存的有利远景区.

Due to the concentrated carbon emission sources and the enormous carbon emissions in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous,it is necessary to evaluate carbon sequestration potential to support future CCUS planning and major demonstrations.Based on the basic geological conditions for carbon sequestration in Ningxia,this study used the volumetric method of the US Department of Energy(US-DOE)to assess the geological potential for deep saline aquifer sequestration in Ningxia.The results show that the predicted geological potential of carbon sequestration in the deep saline aquifers in Ningxia is approximately 86.742 billion tons,with the predicted technical capacity of about 42.334 billion tons.The main reservoirs are concentrated in the Yanchi area in eastern Ningxia and the Liupan Mountain Basin.A preliminary evaluation of the suitability of saline aquifer sequestration in Ningxia was conducted by considering many factors such as the overall sequestration potential,cap rock integrity,geological stability,and socio-environmental risks.The results indicate that the Yanchi area in eastern Ningxia has favorable reservoir and cap rock conditions,stable structures,and low population density,making it a potential region for CO2 sequestration in Ningxia.


宁夏回族自治区水文环境地质调查院,宁夏银川 750021中国地质调查局水文地质环境地质调查中心,天津 300304



Ningxiadeep saline aquifersCO2 geological storagepredictive potentialpromising region

《水文地质工程地质》 2024 (004)

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