

Signal mining of Amitriptyline adverse events based on real-world data


目的 基于真实世界数据(real-world data,RWD)挖掘阿米替林药物潜在不良事件信号,为其临床合理用药提供参考,进一步保障患者用药安全.方法 提取美国食品药品管理局的不良事件报告系统(FAERS)数据库2013年第一季度到2022年第四季度共40个季度的药物不良事件(adverse durg events,ADE)报告数据为研究对象,采用报告比值比法(ROR)和英国药品和保健产品监管局(MHRA)综合标准法挖掘阿米替林用药情况,分析符合风险信号检测标准的阿米替林ADE报告,并将其与中国阿米替林药品说明书和美国国立医学图书馆进行对比,以识别新的ADE并分析其规律.结果 提取到以阿米替林为首要怀疑药物(PS)的目标事件14 969例次,涉及3 169名患者,共检测出319个信号,包括各种制剂毒性、自杀既遂、药物过量、药物相互作用和抗胆碱能综合征等;涉及27个系统器官,主要集中于各类神经系统疾病、精神病类、各类损伤、中毒及操作并发症等.结论 使用FAERS挖掘到的阿米替林ADE信号与中国阿米替林药品说明书以及美国国立医学图书馆中描述基本一致,临床用药过程中除需关注上述提及的不良事件之外,还应密切关注阿米替林未收录但信号较强或报告数较多的不良事件,应及时评估用药风险并进行有效防范,确保患者的用药安全.

Objective To mine potential adverse drug event signals of Amitriptyline based on real-world data(RWD)for its rational clinical use and patients'medication safety.Methods Adverse drug event(ADE)report data from the FAERS database in 40 quarters from the first quarter of 2013 to the fourth quarter of 2022 were extracted for the study.The reporting odds ratio(ROR)method and the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency(MHRA)method were used to mine the medication use and analyze the Amitrip-tyline ADE reports that met the risk signal detection criteria.These reports were compared with the Chinese Amitriptyline drug instruc-tions and the U.S.National Library of Medicine to identify new ADEs and analyze their patterns.Results Amitriptyline was used as the primary suspect drug(PS)in 14 969 target events involving 3 169 patients.A total of 319 signals were detected,including various agent toxicities,suicide attempts,overdose,drug interactions and anticholinergic syndromes,etc.These events involved 27 system organs classes(SOC),focusing on various neurological disorders,psychiatric categories,various types of injuries,poisoning and oper-ational complications,etc.Conclusion The Amitriptyline ADE signals mined by FAERS are basically consistent with those described in the Chinese Amitriptyline drug instructions and the U.S.National Library of Medicine.In addition to the above-mentioned adverse events,the adverse events that are not included in Amitriptyline but have a stronger signal or a higher number of reports should also be paid more attention to in the process of clinical medication.The risk of medication should be assessed in a timely manner for effective prevention and safe medication of patients.


山西医科大学医学信息组织与管理教研室,太原 030001



Amitriptylineadverse drug eventsreal world dataFAERSdata mining

《山西医科大学学报》 2024 (006)

798-803 / 6


